Police in Germany have shot an axe-wielding man who threatened football fans at the Euros.
The incident took place on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, a popular entertainment district in Hamburg’s city centre, where Dutch supporters were marching.
Around 40,000 Dutch supporters were taking part in a peaceful protest when a man wielding a gold-coloured axe began to attack fans and officials, the German newspaper Bild reported.
A statement by Hamburg police read: “At St Pauli there is currently a major police operation.
“According to initial findings, a person threatened police officers with a pickaxe and an incendiary device. The police then used their firearms. The attacker was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment.”
Read more here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/england-vs-serbia-live-euro-2024-fans-ultras-germany/
#euros2024 #euros #hamburg
The United States and some NATO countries that have military bases surrounded in South America, there is a plan to attack these bases in the event of a war, it would be good to investigate the nuclear program of a country on the American continent and a country on the African continent why the American country has a supposed naval semi-base in the African country and strange how two countries at the same time developed nuclear weapons almost at the same time and since the African country circumvented the spy satellites of the United States, it was with the help of the American country's military because of the mistake made and was caught With deep holes for nuclear tests, the United States discovered the American country said it ceased its activities, but in fact the project was secretly transferred and tests carried out Nuclear weapons on the African continent and thus dividing nuclear secrets between these two countries In gratitude to the Brazilian justice system I am expressing my feelings and what I feel and will continue until there is justice for now with words I hope that some countries will thank Brazil in the way it deserves through explanations to the countries that feel exposed to the secrets revealed
The countries that recommend Brazil will have my thanks as long as Brazil is singled out for the wrong actions it commits
What were 40,000 Dutch protesting for in Germany? I think that the journalist makes up stories.
Let's all not forget that Germans were criticizing Qatar organization of FIFA world cup 😂😂😂
This was unrelated to the football, the title is misleading
in Berlin und Potsdam rganisieren rechtsradikale und neonazis vergasungen im Krankenhäusern, betreiben politische hetzjagden, verstümmeln menschen, rauben morden schänden, erkennen den rechtsstaat nicht an, foltern und misshandeln, erpressen und bedrohen. justiz nimmt teil und massenmirde billigend in kauf, staatsverbrechen und massenmorde, vergasungen werden wie 1945 vertuscht und verherrlicht, justiz gibt diese in auftrag
Deutscher: "Ich glaub das war ein Muslim“
If its middle eastern person comment section will be full of far right
c'mon germany, it's been only 2 years since 2022 world cup and this is getting crazy for a country that was full of criticism towards Qatar 😂 😂
So sad.
that man chilling on a seat
As a german addictes to US police activity videos its always hilarious to see how our police is incompetent when faced with real violence
The first world jajaja
The police said he has schizophrenia i think
Usual suspect
Hahaha 😂 and germany was criticizing Quatar 😂😂😂😂😂
obviously a very misguided individual
Thse evil left wing Marxists who wants not to work but collect welfare and propagate, call anyone who don like their modus operando: white nationalist?” Really ? Left wing fascists, everyone is a nationalist?” Everyone who wants to work and raise family in safety and their own culture. It is all good , Marxists donal trump is coming this November
Schießen! Ende!!!
axe weilding ? shot by police weilding gun ?
Men need to protest for their rights in society now first it was blacks then it was women and look black people and women got more rights then anyone now young men need to rise and protest for our rights for equality as well.
Typical European hooligan
Gestapo at its finest!
Spiegelmutter ist die Tochter des Kronprinzen von Katar Demis Roussos – eine Person floh 1967 vor Verfolgung aus Katar, die Großmutter ist eine Kopie des Deutschen Rodschold – Russen leben in Kanada, der Junge muss kanadische Staatsbürgerschaft haben
Mirror, der Spieler des italienischen Teams Milano steht vor der Nummer 10 und sieht sich der Gefahr ausgesetzt, Kopien des Schauspielers Denzel Washington zu erschießen. Einer von ihnen arbeitet im Polizeijungenprojekt 1-4, blau, gelb, rette den Jungen, das ist Stiefmutter, die aufgewacht ist, war auf orangefarbener Mutter sieht aus wie ein Junge, Oma sieht aus wie eine deutsche Linie der Rodschilds und der russischen Zaren. Iwan der Schreckliche ist der Enkel von Oberst Kusnezow und der Sängerin Demiss Roussos
Mama dachte auch darüber nach, dass die Linie des Zaren Konstantin von der Erde verschwunden ist, was nur mit endlosen Geburten und dem Tod des Planeten behaftet ist. Lass uns die Rodshelts kontaktieren, wir müssen reden