From a scary unknown video that might show a glitch in the Matrix to creepy footage of a possible ghost girl, these scary unknown videos are beyond belief. #Scary #Unknown #SlappedHam
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OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-vFvUbO-M&list=PLz9EdJARh8zmkOZpbO-ToDyprjx9AQ4Wd&index=1
7. ghostlytoksa https://www.tiktok.com/@ghostlytoksa/video/7258948869449420038
6. mrlistparanormal https://www.tiktok.com/@mrlistparanormal/video/7160616824143465729
5. Fantasma de niña en Iquique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJziUrKOFTQ
4. Can you spot ghost photobombing this family holiday snap?… https://au.news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/can-spot-ghost-photobombing-family-holiday-snap-024037769.html?guce_referrer=YW5kcm9pZC1hcHA6Ly9jb20uZ29vZ2xlLmFuZHJvaWQuZ29vZ2xlcXVpY2tzZWFyY2hib3gv&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMEcZ04LflEpqr5mwEitnJ1NnXW6Q-BC5T4i6o1GKvT3kVv-mvKi0g_1Gx0Oue3IXpngs5O_HrWLBWhqhNWHvp19DDrJfxTXHWQtc9HK6keWrXEZef277fXpgirb3wHEexP_UOLi5G6nbl08-qNuI87WwLe7UXzSjQwVOrr1elYP&guccounter=2
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2. Ghost Caught on Camera… https://www.tiktok.com/@hauntedtiktoker/video/7271366529344687391?_r=1&_t=8mxnN9mLaSt
1. Can’t even watch Ms. Rachel without these ghouls killing my vibe… https://www.tiktok.com/@wadelanagan/video/7195710293492698414
maybe the hatman has been haunting me for longer than I thought… https://www.tiktok.com/@wadelanagan/video/7202704590775586091
Ghost Dungeons
By Ethan Sloan
Out of Line
By Ethan Sloan
Heavy Rain
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Evening of Chaos by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300041
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
lets check em out indeed , i do love a friday night ham binge
this is the place to come for recycled videos and recycled phrases.
8:52 at the end of the clip you can see a Girl in the Right corner. Maybe she was actually with them and when they got into the water from the slide, she swam to the right side underwater.
That clip of girl's neighbors freaked me out, the way they all turned at once when the light was steady again put chills on me.😮
The hatman clip, the security camera was in 2 different areas like it was set up.
Photo with the "Extra hand behind the guy" was photo shopped. If you loom at the womans back ot looks like someones hand was cut off. Or someone was berwwen them and tbe other guy and was cut out.
I think.. people might want to stop burning sage. It never seems to help, at least, I seldom hear stories where it helps. There's got to be a reason for that, lol… maybe you're inviting more. Maybe you're provoking rage? just saying, I've heard WAY more stories where burning sage seemed to make things worse. Maybe I just don't hear about all the successes, but those stories are far fewer… at least…
At 8:6, after the girls dive into the water, a ghost-like figure that looks like a woman moves in the background.
Another fantastic creepy compilation! That poor woman really needed a couple of mates to help her smudge and clear the home. The power of three sharing the same intentions will send all unwanted energies out and away 🧹
Thanks so much Hammy! Really love your show ❤✨ 🐷 ✨👻🤓
In the very last part of the last clip… I swear you can see the "hat man's" face, along with his mustache… at first I thought it was just someone walking by off camera making a shadow, until I noticed that!!
What’s crazy about the hand photo is zoomed in you can see someone’s hair outlined by his shoulder
The pic of the hand. As well if you look at the man’s shoulder you can see hair from someone in the background that doesn’t belong there
Sage has no effect on any entity at all. It does clear negative energy, but negative energy Is a wholly human creation. Entities neither use nor produce negative energy. Spiritual beings feed on electromagnetic energy. You can combat this using rocksalt around the perimeter of the room, and Mercury. An old school thermometer works perfectly well hung on the wall of that room. This will keep most entities away.
last clip with the hat man…Id be losing the chick on the tv, he's obviously after her or the rubber ducky 🤣🤣
I witnessed a shadow person in my garden at night. He was a black silhouette with no facial features. He stood still watching me. I did the same. He then ran away down the side of the house and was gone. 🐖. 👏 .
At first I thought I saw a little girl’s apparition. JK. 🤦🏻♀️😅
Re: The woman burning sage in her bedroom. It’s one thing to toss small objects such as ball or crate, however, for an entity to move a heavy sofa proves it has an unusual degree of power. We humans should try not to show fear. Evil feeds on human fear & suffering.
Thank You 💜🤘🏻💯
Why, WHY was that low guttural growl not spoken of!!?? At 7:33 you can clearly hear this guttural growl!!
Isn't malevolent and harbinger of doom the same thing?! LOL
Great video! I'm glad I subscribed all those years ago! ❤
The matrix stuff is ridiculous
In the UK photo, you can see tufts of hair behind Puma man's right shoulder!
Diggin deep for these videos… Bottom of the barrel
2:11 wow I would’ve died if that had happened to me….
The one with the lady burning sage, easily to recreate .