Trying to Steal Our UN-STEAL-able Motorcycle

Trying to Steal Our UN-STEAL-able Motorcycle
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  1. Nobody stopped him because there was a guy with a camera recording the whole process. What was the point of having a camera on the back of the van if you were going to just video from the front lawn of a house.

  2. F*cking hell! That was amazing, I honestly cried when you gave him that bike back what an amazing thing to do!!!!!! Tou are truly winning at life my friend ❤🎉

  3. I wonder about that U shaped lock, what if you attack lock itself instead of cutting the bar? Would that be quicker? Lockpicking, anybody?

  4. Yeah from what I've seen the more indistructible an anti theft device the worse the lock they use on and not worse in how hard it is to pick but worse in how patheticly vulnerable it is probably even has even easier bypass

  5. Has cameras, a cameraman, the most gentrified looking thief who looks like he couldn't walk a bike through a McDonalds, whos wired up with audio equipment acknowledging the camera. yeah i would never think this guy was an actual bike thief in a million years, you can keep your faith in humanity.

  6. i wish mine would turn up . I've gave up hope on that long time ago.. but the police station likes to remind me by sending me a letter every year to ask if its still stolen or has been returned…it was a gsxr1000.anyway seeing what you did give me a little hope for humanity…

  7. Bikes and beards I gotta question maybe you can help me. I'll tell you about myself first. I'm 51 years old now when I was 9 months old. My father and I. We're in a car train accident and I lost both my legs. on the right To my hip and the left They basically check everything to my femur bone. I Have had fun with cars and stuff. I've got a thousand horse power ninety three z twenty eight. the one thing I haven't been able to do that I want to so badly Is ride a bike. Do you know of any way I could get this accomplished? There has to be a way this is like number one on my bucket list. I figured maybe reaching out to you you could maybe Figure way out. There has to be a way.

  8. YES! Teach people how to steal our bikes! You are providing information to both sides so we might now know how to lock out bikes up effectively, but you're also showing people how to effectively break the effective locks

  9. Put some electrodes in the seat and hand grips and hook them to the coil through a hidden on/off switch of course! Old hot rodder anti-theft device, just remember to flip the switch to off before you start it!

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