After getting requests and suggestions, here it is, a huge video with lots of D&D monster rankings and tier lists, for your long-form enjoyment!
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Monstrous Heroes: https://monstrous-heroes-5e-monster-classes.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eiijm2GhKAA&t=4874s
Bandcamp: https://karlcasey.bandcamp.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/m/5678689/posts
0:00 Mimics Ranking
30:04 Drow Ranking
1:21:32 Spiders Ranking
1:55:20 Oozes Ranking
2:29:24 Celestial Ranking
3:31:47 Plants Ranking
4:31:27 Humanoids Ranking
#dndmonsters #dungeonsanddragons #dnd
To be honest, i'm not happy with the new "they are not all evil" approach in D&D. It just takes away from the adventure and leads to more discussion, instead of combat.
(This isn't Star Trek (which i love even more than old D&D), we're here to fight!)
Hey neat! I wish there was a way to randomize these videos. Help me go to sleep but YouTube doesnt seem to random for me. Tips?
Mimics are in all sorts of games not just D&D so even those that play video games may encounter them in games like Dark Souls, & other games.
Wow, this is epic!
Esper FTW
the drow inquisitor part is my favorite.
Esper, do you plan to do the other ones too? I'm a big fan of the demon/fiend videos myself. I use them to go to sleep from time to time. this is definitely going to be my new bedtime video XD thanks for this absolute banger my guy lol
also congrats again on monstourous heroes, can't wait to use it in a game
So much lore to chillax to!
Yeah…chat gpt is such a reliable thing 🤣🤣🤣
So when we getting abberations part 2?
Damn this is a long one. Awesome!
Bro worked his ass off finishing monstrous heros and decided to do a 5 hour tier list to help relax
Another capital work. Have a great week King. Thanks!
if you can get one of the compilations above 8~ hours long you can probably add an algorithm booster to the title like "…that you can fall asleep to"
Thanks for the amazing compilation, like everyone's already mentioned, I will enjoy it while studying/sleeping! Thank you for providing us some of the best lores again!
Sweet lord!
I'm going to play this video every night while going to sleep
Thank you my guy! This is solid work and your rankings are so useful
Whelp, I just found what I'll be falling asleep to the rest of 2024. I don't even play DnD, and love these lore videos. Cheers bois.
For a monster as iconic to D&D as mimics, it's.. a little upsetting how dirty 5E did them.
I did a double take on the video length, but this is awesome!
5 1/2 hours huh?
Holy shit, that's like well over 30 hours of work. Take a breather my guy 😮
Thank you bro, I always play your video before i go to sleep. A neat and compact format is just what I need ❤
Bro dropped a full day's work right into my youtube feed
Ill be falling asleep to this countless times.
These ranks are like a boost of creativity for anyone who needs it
“Oh cool a new ranking vid from Espe- holy crap!”
It will take my next 5 and a half hours to watch this one
First. 😊
Edit: anyway, cool compilation, esper! Personally I think that it is hilarious how AI will lie to people and make answers up.