4 MISTAKES Older People Believe in Street Fights that Everyone Knows

4 MISTAKES Older People Believe in Street Fights that Everyone Knows
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THINGS YOU Should Never ASSUME Before a Street Fight. Here are the most common thinking that get people hurt in street fights. In Self Defence what you should NEVER Do to protect yourself in a street fight. Here are a fighting tips that will help you in defend yourself against a bad guy who means you harm.

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  1. Think twice about where you're going and why? Always look for an escape route. Look for a quick exit. Avoid trouble. Zip it and say nothing. Step back and Stay alive!

  2. Those that can fight will keep a distance.if he gets close to you he cannot see what’s coming I’m old and eyes and throat are my targets….yes I will be the one in court but my diabetes has reduced my footwork and therefore cannot fight for any period of time and I need to end it as quick as I can and let the court deal with it afterwards as I’m likely to end up with amputations….I don’t have an ego but I will defend myself

  3. Some old guys have DECADES of tough experiences. Military vets, gangsters, boxers, martial arts, construction workers, bouncers. You never know someone's history.

  4. You have to play the odds, too. For every video of a fight in a shop, how many thousands or tens of thousands of normal transactions are there? The videos we all watch and know over sensitize us to these situations. If you saw ALL possible videos of folks in shops, you would have to scroll through thousands to find the few fights. Now a channel called Fight Science will of course emphasize the fights, but know the real odds, please.

  5. I'm the same size at 65 as I was at 18 – 5'7" 125 lbs. Never went into a fight thinking I would come out alive. Very liberating. Everything is a weapon.

  6. I agree with everything you say about behaviour, good and bad. However, I don't think I could look myself in the eye if I hid behind people less able to defend themselves than I am in order to protect myself. I would rather get the crap beaten out of me (and probably would).

  7. I've been in a position to grant mercy many times. Feels good to let em finish life with the ability to walk and eat solid food. Most hot heads don't know what they are messing with. I've had men thank me for not putting hands to them when they find out. It's embarrassing so I don't let it get that far anymore. That wisdom thing. There is no pride in destroying a non-com.

  8. I think we should create a bingo for these videos: in every one of them, you'll find The Commando Guy, The Old But Dangerous fella, The Bouncers, The Bouncers With Very Suspicious Stories, a person recollecting an event that probably never happened, The Merica Guy with the "I carry a gun and bla bla bla", the UK fella trying to explain to the Merica that having a gun does not equals security, The Merica Guy trying to say the Brit is envy, the racist and xenophobic person saying violence is a consequence of imigrants or non white people.

  9. Some good points, but i personally try and do what the bible says, a mild answer turns away rage, and as far as possible be peacable with people, the reason for this is because ive seen it work in real life, for instance a lot of conflict happens if someone retaliates, that can escalate into serious violence, of course if someone did attack me like out of the blue, then i will do what i can to defend myself and protect my family, thanks for video, greetings from wales uk 😀

  10. Having recently been to Fraser Island I can tell you Not One of these ‘First nation people’ live on this island that they claim they can’t live without.
    They have subdivided sections and are selling off the land.
    The tour guides manipulate the history to gaslight tourists.
    And they are pushing the narrative that people visiting the island are destroying it and to rejuvenate it people need to be banned from the island.
    This island is quickly heading towards the same fate as Ayers rock.

  11. Seniors are believed to be easy targets. I'm 67 and been a street fighter all my adult life. Carried a knife all this time. now I train in boxing and Every Day Carry. I pray I never have to kill someone in order to protect my family. Thank you for the tips. My life depends on it.

  12. You could not be more correct, every word is pure common sense but for some of us, even old, with many experiences of street fights, later senior Tae Kwon Do belt competition fights, witnessing many fights by stupid British guys abroad getting the crap beaten out of them due to not thinking and acting as you wisely have stated, in midlife stupidly getting involved with another guy that I sort of won but broke two knuckles and nearly lost my job as a teacher but ten years possibly saved my life or being hurt by taking out two muggers with knives.

    BUT even after all that, today at my local supermarket in the fruit aisle was waiting for an older guy like me, tall and fairly well-built like me, who could not see the obvious picture button for the bananas. To help him out, I pointed to the banana's button, He without even looking at me, quite forcibly hit my hand out of the way, which really took me by surprise, I by instinct said "WOW sorry" and put both my hands up at the same time. At no time did he look me in the face which I found very disrespectful, I might as well have been a fly to him.

    He walked off and I was left with a great number of reactions, firstly I wanted to chase after him and berate him for hitting me with his hand when I was just trying to help him, at the same time felt that his life must be so horrible he reacts like that to someone trying to help him, I thought also thought maybe he has had martial arts training and could handle him self, if I did go after him and say something would it result in a fight, at 71 I am now getting to old for such an incident, I could end up getting hurt, telling my self to grow up and let it go, see him as a child and many other similar thoughts came into my head as well

    It is now about six hours since it happened and I'm still pissed off about it, i.e. writing about it on here.

    MY POINT !! The problem for most situations which can end in a fight, is what is often called the 'duality of man' the battle within themselves to act with reserved and intelligence as you so wisely state here as oppose allowing the ego to rule. For some of us, it is not an equal situation and for someone like me, it is very hard to suppress the anger in me, i.e, Mr Hyde. But watching your video reminded me of the all the sensible, mature and wise reactions to this guy today, that apparently stopped me going after him and having a go at him – so thank you very much.

  13. Whenever someone with evident fighting skills comes up to me looking for trouble, I've sometimes asked 'who was your teacher'? "Did they teach you to walk up to someone looking to start a fight or to just sucker punch someone without provocation?". I was never a 'sport' or an athlete. When I was younger, I found myself in a lot of situations (none of my own making) involving violence including with weapons. I was only ever trained how to kill and/or maim/disable someone. Street fights, warfare and the like, aren't a game. These things are a last resort. Violence always seems like a tragic waste to me, but I'd rather prevail than fail. Then, I can go sit and (yes, srsly) have a cry about it later.

  14. Iam a 69 yr old man l still surf at this age and can run 6 miles in less than an hour, l practiced Martial arts for most of my life, l also live in my homestate of Hawaii, a lot can be said for the culture of the people you are surrounded by, their is a great reverence for the older generation or Kapunas, only problems l feel l may run across would be from tourists or transplants from the Mainland, outside of that l feel very secure.

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