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About the Author: DarkMoose Shorts


  1. My dog got insane one night and was confuced and only watched in the room… He dont got chilled and u woke up . I Was also adraid and got goosebombs.. i was Sure there was someone in my Apartment and told that ghost to leave me cause He was not welcome…. i felt there was an person

  2. I have 4 cats, two black ones, one brown and one white, the black likes like to bully the brown one sometimes, so she’s learned that a lumpy black shape could very well be 1 to 2 cats ready to launch themselves at her, she absolutely behaves the same way that this dog just did whenever she sees any jacket or pants or bag sized black shapes 😂 I wonder if the dog has the same kind of issue with another animal 🤔

  3. if there is ghost in your house there is two options

    1: say leave this house right now in the name of jesus

    2: fight back

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