Funny all the comments are going at the security guard when he just doing his job trying to keep rowdy, drunk people away and he didn't make the caption and you can tell he's very lightly pushing them. Where are the "we doing know what happened before they started recording?" Comments. Funny.
Sake shack
Three more idiots making a nuisance of themselves.
Those adults were acting like drunk idiots, holding on to rails, not leaving the premises… holding on to each other… then what? They’d stand there and argue with the bouncer and keep asking why they got kicked out…
Well done to the Bouncer for skipping the BS and getting rid of these losers.
Anyone feeling salty about the bouncer is cause they behaved like those idiots and hit kicked out the same way
The three guys were really drunk
The bouncer couldve seriously injured that guy trying to push him down those steps,that is cowardly
people talkin bout they are noncombative off of a lil clip lol trust me they did fuck shit that added up to this moment
They didn’t fight back and where drunk? 😂 wtf you talking about
When a bouncer posts video of himself on YouTube.
Drunk frat boys always making themselves look bad.
Drunk university lads
Bouncer would never do that to someone he was afraid of
This is racial??
He 'handled' 3 wet towels..
Portero poco profesional y poco prudente
Getting in that state can get you killed in America but it’s legal 🤷🏿
Vaza doidões hahaha
3? I guess I'm missing the context but the third guy was even helping them out?
The bouncer used these 3 waisted white boys to flex up and show how tough his mommy told him he was
The shack lol
My 12 year old daughter could have tossed those three clowns out 😂🤣😂🤣
Very different from the UK. No one's ears got bitten off.
Why do people post shyte like this? Must be a yank
I counted two but yanno
U Drunks suck 100% of the time- All for nothing as usual
That’s how you do it so you don’t have to pay you’re tab.
It’s a shame Saquan Barkley has to bounce in the off season. Is it about the money or his love of Roadhouse. We may never know
Sometimes you just need to take your drunk a$$ home or to ihop
I feel like I saw somebody fall down the stairs and hit their head at this exact place
Push the right guy out the bar like that and he’ll be back in an hour with 5 other guys strapped
Took on 2 drunks 💪🏻
Nails 🤡
Yep I agree. They could barely stand up. My daughter who weighs 145LB could of kicked them out with one hand behind her back.
Wonder if the bouncer has the same energy against people who could fight back
I thought that was Congressman Matt Gaetz and his friend
Not Joey from DKOldies 😂🤣
3 idiots at one time lool
I think the wind could have paid a massive contribution to these 3 kids leaving.
Took on a hen party more like 🤣🤣
They are not guys..
Bro what bar is this? This is the second video I've seen and I'm almost 100% sure it's the same place… They need to do their jobs better if people are getting that drunk there before they kick them out…
This is The Shack in La Jolla, CA. Give them a review and a call if you dont like what you see
live 2 c it. sorry pedos
Funny all the comments are going at the security guard when he just doing his job trying to keep rowdy, drunk people away and he didn't make the caption and you can tell he's very lightly pushing them. Where are the "we doing know what happened before they started recording?" Comments. Funny.
Sake shack
Three more idiots making a nuisance of themselves.
Those adults were acting like drunk idiots, holding on to rails, not leaving the premises… holding on to each other… then what? They’d stand there and argue with the bouncer and keep asking why they got kicked out…
Well done to the Bouncer for skipping the BS and getting rid of these losers.
Anyone feeling salty about the bouncer is cause they behaved like those idiots and hit kicked out the same way
The three guys were really drunk
The bouncer couldve seriously injured that guy trying to push him down those steps,that is cowardly
people talkin bout they are noncombative off of a lil clip lol trust me they did fuck shit that added up to this moment
They didn’t fight back and where drunk? 😂 wtf you talking about
When a bouncer posts video of himself on YouTube.
Drunk frat boys always making themselves look bad.
Drunk university lads
Bouncer would never do that to someone he was afraid of
This is racial??
He 'handled' 3 wet towels..
Portero poco profesional y poco prudente
Getting in that state can get you killed in America but it’s legal 🤷🏿
Vaza doidões hahaha
3? I guess I'm missing the context but the third guy was even helping them out?
The bouncer used these 3 waisted white boys to flex up and show how tough his mommy told him he was
The shack lol
My 12 year old daughter could have tossed those three clowns out 😂🤣😂🤣
Very different from the UK. No one's ears got bitten off.
Why do people post shyte like this? Must be a yank
I counted two but yanno
U Drunks suck 100% of the time- All for nothing as usual
That’s how you do it so you don’t have to pay you’re tab.
It’s a shame Saquan Barkley has to bounce in the off season. Is it about the money or his love of Roadhouse. We may never know
Sometimes you just need to take your drunk a$$ home or to ihop
I feel like I saw somebody fall down the stairs and hit their head at this exact place
Push the right guy out the bar like that and he’ll be back in an hour with 5 other guys strapped
Took on 2 drunks 💪🏻
Nails 🤡
Yep I agree. They could barely stand up. My daughter who weighs 145LB could of kicked them out with one hand behind her back.
Wonder if the bouncer has the same energy against people who could fight back
I thought that was Congressman Matt Gaetz and his friend
Not Joey from DKOldies 😂🤣
3 idiots at one time lool
I think the wind could have paid a massive contribution to these 3 kids leaving.
Took on a hen party more like 🤣🤣
They are not guys..
Bro what bar is this? This is the second video I've seen and I'm almost 100% sure it's the same place… They need to do their jobs better if people are getting that drunk there before they kick them out…
This is The Shack in La Jolla, CA. Give them a review and a call if you dont like what you see