From scary footage that might show a ghost in a cemetery to a creepy video of possible paranormal activity in a haunted pub, this scary footage will make you anxious. #Scary #Ghost #SlappedHam
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7. Well this is bloody weird… https://www.facebook.com/reel/977372680678328
Ballina 1966 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90K5cLAU0gA
6. Ghost in the bar ? Or just dodgy shelves … https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1d51a2p/ghost_in_the_bar_or_just_dodgy_shelves_so_i_work/
5. Someone.whispered.my.name.(Mike).and.I.took.off.running… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1d184mw/someonewhisperedmynamemikeanditookoffrunning/
4. This poster writes . . . https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1448327742714982
3. this is creepy… https://www.tiktok.com/@hidden.on.google.earth/video/6865237085176024325
2. ¿Un error en la Matrix?… https://www.tiktok.com/@codigoocultocom/video/7259013101868059909
1. Husband’s friend caught something weird on camera… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1d0tams/husbands_friend_caught_something_weird_on_camera/
A Massive Mist
By Ethan Sloan
By Ethan Sloan
Dark Forebodings
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
"Mike" couldn't be a ghost. The animals would have gone crazy.
the first one is ghoolish as its old footage.
Shout out to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My home town! The explosion has always been an interest of mine.
this is all a bunch of fuggazi BS and you know it
It looks like a bird to me,it's just blowing a little bit because of the wind
So I've been saying cemetery wrong for 39 years.

Hear me out. The lady in the opera house….I wonder if maybe in her youth she lost a baby?
I used to help my friend clean a restaurant and one night we were leaving and I heard a dog barking I asked her when they got a dog to guard the restaurant and she told me they didn’t they had an alarm system needless to say we left pretty quick there is a history to this place and it is located in Massachusetts
To me, the scariest thing was the stairs in video #3. So narrow!
Joe Biden is like a glitch in the matrix
3:49 unseen force…
It's a bird
My Mother took her last breathe exactly at Noon to the very second. I don’t even know WHY I looked at the clock. It was to the day and time my father died EXACTLY nine years earlier. Still don’t know if it means anything.
6:48 please tell me am not the only one who thought the eerie figure was gonna be the ghostly grandma

The Halifax voice sounds female!
Camera was a thing back in those day???
What are the glasses in that pub made out of? They break into smithereens from such low level.
What possible reason could they have to move the camera that much on the woman standing still?
0:30 It's a bird. The bird is blurry because the camera was made in 1913. The bird looks like it has arms because the frequency of wing flaps approximately matches the frame rate. It's made even blurrier by lossy video compression.
First vid it might be a Imp residing on the cemetery
That first video is a freakin bird! It's literally flapping its wings! No one here has ever seen a BIRD before?
I think the guy who hears his name whispered then runs, is just his wife messing with him with some kind of intercom, and he's not familiar with it, so it surprised him.
Did you know there's a channel I watched that showed all the same videos in the same time 3:37
Ahh, this is not scary. i can be friends
It's a wasp.
About 950 a lady is seen standing in one spot we seen wild animals and domesticated animals do the same it's a determinate Factor into which a person or animal does so as conservation as far as the ladies concerned there's no law stating that a person cannot stand in one point one place fixed for no other than the reason that they need to so can we blame anyone for doing so there may be something to this matrix and anomalies that occur but not all of them
In the 718 point a face is seen yes it is ! And it quickly go away soon after ? Could these be what may be seen has a unknown type of life from or forms moving from point to point ,? And to do so use' s of the environment is a necessity and that being any thing including faceted contours and or channels channeling that allow for a form in and out side of it own environment omovement
About 532 we her a sound like a name called out saying Mike? But if cause it or how ever sed it can't be found? But we do know that we humans are not the only animals that make sounds ! And many a animal had been known to do just that , but curiously it not just that a found can come from the throat but from other passages but also from the intestines have been noted has making sounds that may seem to be actual word meanings but are not do and if and had been proven to chick if it's in the walls or attic one may find a raccoon possum bird snakes lizards or anything that may cause sounds like wind
In the 429 time we find things beingove around either pushed or pulled and maybe a secondary effect of what may have happen before hand? We do know that are living life forms on are planet have been interacting with the environment for many a time cycles , so could it be a matter of life leaving a type of record of it place and the means to it movement thought time traced into the environment? Or perhaps it's a result of living life forms that use a pathway to go from point to point in a inlayed dimensional easy way type of to and fro and a ftom of mimicry is transposed apon that it a an easement, with ?
Yes at the 55. Time into the clip we see something move from one point to another ? Although it look strange by the fact that it in no way how we move , it does have ao ement that can be understood, yes it's a bird a raven ! Just term your head to one side and we see it's wings moving and then just like all birds it move to up right it's self !

the first one just looks like a bird or bat filmed on a bad camera
THE GHOST AT OPERA SHOT: if ya look closely at the right side OF the FACE we can all see,YOU see ANOTHER FACE. only that light blocked its face, look closely.
In the cemetery I think it is something from another dimension
In the first clip, Callen clearly describes the banshee as a lady in a white dress, then says this 'entity' could be one. It doesn't appear to be clothed, let alone Human!