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About the Author: Heaven Updates


  1. It is indeed true that "Near Death Experiences" (NDE) are happening and are even scientifically proven. (Source:
    "The Science of Near-Death Experiences" by John C. Hagan on Amazon, etc) Since Jesus Christ rose from the dead there is certainly life after death, either in heaven for those who repent and believe in Jesus, or hell for those who do not.

    However, as I was checking the references given in your video, starting from 5:30 minutes, I realised they are all taken out of context and therefore misleading (see details below at the end).

    The conclusion is that we need to look at the motivation and occasion when women dress in nice clothing, use Make Up and do their hair up.

    If the clothes are modest (e.g. not sexually tempting, like clevege, miniskirts, hotpants, etc), Make Up and hair styles are used to reflect the inner beauty of Christian women, or to hide medical conditions such as Vitiligo, akne, etc. then the women are not living in sin.

    1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 says: "Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil."

    As a follower of Jesus Christ according to the Bible and on the basis of the test performed below, by looking at the verses in context, I ask you to correct this video accordingly. Many thanks.

    Here are the verses taken out of context, explained through various Bible commentaries:

    Deuteronomy 22:5:

    The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

    We should recall, however, that in biblical times, clothing for males and females was different only in styles and details, not in kind. Men did not wear trousers and women did not adorn themselves with skirts and blouses.

    While it undoubtedly is true that God wants some sexual distinction apparent in men’s and women’s garments, it is not legitimate to say that all women’s pants are wrong or, for that matter, that Scottish kilts are sinful for the men of that culture.

    A woman can be feminine in a modest pant-suit (cf. 1 Tim. 2:9-10) and men can still be masculine in a robe-like garment as in some Near Eastern countries today.

    Two principles should be borne in mind.

    First, the Christian should dress appropriately to his gender. This distinction, incidentally, is apparent in all cultures. The concept of transgender cross-dressing is an abomination in any age.

    Second, the godly man or woman should dress modestly in a manner that does not solicit illicit sexual interest.
    A careful consideration of Deuteronomy, chapter 22, reveals a number of commands that are strange to the modern mind.
    Here are some examples. If a man discovered a bird sitting upon eggs, he could take the eggs but not the bird (Deut. 22:6-7). A man couldn’t plant different kinds of seeds in his vineyard (Deut. 22:9).

    In later history, both Lucian of Samosata and Eusebius speak of transvestism in the worship of Astarte (Thompson, 234).

    The main point is to maintain the sanctity of that distinction of the sexes which was established by the creation of man and woman, and in relation to which Israel was not to sin.

    What is forbidden is styled an abomination to Jehovah. Hence, the law probably refers to heathen rites, for the practice of which, including the interchange by the sexes of their clothes, weapons, etc., leading to gross impurities, there is much evidence in records of the Syrian and other ancient religions. Calvin quotes Juvenal Sat., vi. 252.

    Isaiah 3:18-24

    The crescent ornaments which were hung on the necks of the camels of the Midianites in the time of Gideon (Judges 8:21), and are still worn by Arabian women. It is not improbable that they were connected with the worship of Ashtaroth. Among modern Arabian women they are regarded as a charm against the evil eye. (See Note on Jeremiah 44:17-19.)

    Genesis 24:22: Gold rings in the nose and bracelets on the arms are not by themselves a problem. The context decides. If the motivation is good then they are ok. See also Genesis 41: 37-44, Jeremiah 2:32 Isaiah 49:18, Ruth 3:3-5, 15, Zecheriah 3:3-4 for good uses of Jewellery and dresses. There is a time for that (2 Kings, 5:23-27). There is also a time for mirrors (Isaiah 3:23).

    Exodus 33:2-5

    Put off thy ornaments—In seasons of mourning, it is customary with Eastern people to lay aside all gewgaws and divest themselves of their jewels, their gold, and every thing rich and splendid in their dress. This token of their sorrow the Lord required of His offending people.

    Genesis 35:1-5:

    Earrings.—Earrings seem to have been worn not so much for ornament (that would be okay) as for superstitious purposes, being regarded as talismans or amulets. Hence it was from their earrings that Aaron made the golden calf (Exodus 32:2-4).

    For the Holy Scriptures insinuate, and other writers expressly affirm, that divers heathen nations did wear ear-rings for the honour of their idols, and with the representations or ensigns of their idols engraven upon them, such as the rings and vessels mentioned by Maimonides, marked with the image of the sun and moon. Jacob hid them under the oak — In a place only known to himself. It is probable they were first melted or broken.

    1 Timothy 2:9-10

    If we are known for how we look rather than for how we act, something is wrong.

    Whenever a difficult passage of Scripture arises, one must interpret Scripture by Scripture. A parallel passage to 1 Timothy 2:9-10 is 1 Peter 3:3-4, and it states, “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— 4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”

    Again, this doesn’t prohibit certain hairstyles, jewelry, or clothes. Rather it prohibits certain hairstyles, jewelry, or clothes from being used to try and make yourself more beautiful.

    This is not justification to go and wear whatever you want because you think your motivation is good. A dress that shows too much is a dress that shows too much, no matter what motivation you think you have. Whatever a woman wears, it should be “modest and respectable.” God will have to lead each heart each morning when the closet doors open. But he’s not telling you to be frumpy or Amish. He’s just telling you not to base your beauty in how you look. Rather, how you look should be based in the beauty you already have.

    The things you wear should be a reflection of how your heart looks on the inside. If you wear skanky clothes, you’re telling everyone your heart is looking for male attention even if it’s abusive and negative because you think that little of yourself. If you wear clothes that scream “slob” then you are telling everyone your heart is so beaten down inside you are embracing the lie that you are ugly.

    Paul tells women in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 to dress with modesty and respect because through the costly gospel of Jesus that’s the type of heart a redeemed woman in Christ has – modest, respectful, godly, self-controlled, knowing you are precious to God . . . beautiful.

  2. This story is crock. If Jesus told his father to forgive his own killers who put him to death is the most painful way he is not going to reject people for dressing a certain way. Plus genuine near death experiences does show God to be unconditionally loving.

  3. Why do these self-proclaimed "Christians" not discuss matters that lead to life: the Narrow Path, God's harvest, God's alchemy of Ephesians 2:14, the Son of Man, and so many other topics that only true Christians have access to?

  4. People, you must all repent we are all unclean o n earth I pray for a

    Lost souls that god helps them and not condemned for ever I fear this not easy to be pure and don't sin please help us all many will fail amen

  5. I wear some foundation make up and that’s it because I am very hideous and offensive to others without it. I must work, I am a spinster….

  6. The biggest lie I’ve heard this far. The enemy flees at the sound of His name JESUS None can contend Wmwith Him. Don’t be fooled God cannot be mocked. I advise many of you to repent and leave this channel. It was a blasphemy and a false prophet’s supposed dream.

  7. I try to make sure I repent every night before i fall asleep for any sins I've done whether i remember them or not and I'm very thankful everyday for what i have and my loved ones still being alive. I am terrified of God yes he is Love but hes also Just and righteous and our only master and Judge… i used to despise him as a child I had alot of let downs an death but the let downs were all from people not him and death is just apart of life. I say to anyone who don't believe i mean why risk that and take the chance and end up in Hell? I sure don't want to myself nor do i hope that and wish on a person

  8. Yes sin is sin,but it's not that easy to be sent to he'll,remember God is all understanding and mercy, a soul must fully understand third sin and repent.

  9. Im sorry but I don’t believe this. How can putting on makeup be a sin? I like putting on makeup. I don’t do it for anyone I do it for myself. I’m Roman Catholic and I pray every night and I’m a good person.

  10. Amen invite Jesus into your heart. Love Him with an undying love. He will be with you always.

    Thank you God, the Father of Jesus, our Lord And Savior.

    Thank you Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit to guide us, complete us and to conform us to be more like You.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen

  11. no to alcohol and worldly make up and so is this all true? didnt think works saved us,but its a good work to not be worldly but if you got tattoos and done all this then you still are forgiven if you ask Jesus to,and you cant undo some tattoos but you can stop alcohol and dressing up fancy.

  12. Women wearing pants that brings God's disapproval much less making it anathema strikes me as reaching the Himalayan heights of incredulity since it was Mary Tyler Moore on the Dick Van Dyke show making that a popular choice in a woman's wardrobe. And then what about women police, women firefighters, women in the military and especially those in the military flying aircraft and women astronauts. People shouldn't be trying to go beyond what is written.

  13. Pray for me, my brethren and sistren…I wear designer underwear, and when I gaze at their unholy visage, I see the horrible smear of Satan in them. When I wash them in Holy water, the smear goes away. Allelujah!

  14. In order to go to heaven one must 1.allow the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell in their temple 2. Live a righteous life bathed in the blood of JESUS . Which is all spiritual but is influenced or initiated by the physical actions n decisions that we make daily.

    Also to be HOLY means to be possessed by the HOLY SPIRIT because Noah had the HOLY SPIRIT but was still a drunkard and all those who could communicate with GOD had the HOLY SPIRIT DWELLING in them since one cannot communicate with GOD without his HOLY SPIRIT.

  15. Neither the human body, nor its spirit, is "LIFE The Real Self", an Offspring, and Child of "The LIGHT" which is "The LIFE of GOD" ! From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 1, verse 4, Quote; In Him ( GOD ) was LIFE; and the LIFE was the LIGHT of Men… End Quote. Here is What JESUS said about humans; From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 8, verses 43 to 46, Quote; 43. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word… 44. Ye are of your father the DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do… He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it… 45. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not… 46. Which of you convinceth me of sin ? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me ? End Quote…

  16. This vision is absolutely 💯 true the Holy Spirit has also revealed to me and many other that vanities and modernity and worldliness like wearing makeup, hair weave, wigs, jewelry, women wearing pants, finger nail polish, and all worldliness will send the practitioners straight to hell. Please repent from these sins and live a Holy life. Jesus said I am Holy, be you also Holy.


  18. ❤❤ THE BLOOD OF JESUS YAHSHUA NEVER CLEANSES ANYONE'S SINS !!! IT IS A FALSE BELIEF AND SATANIC LIE Fostered by the false Apostle Paul. Paul was a 😈 false Apostle

  19. 100% true to God’s Word 📖 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Without holiness, no one will see the LORD. Turn to Jesus, His Holy Spirit will help you separate from the lustful & prideful ways of this fallen world and to overcome all temptations of the devil. ❤

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