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About the Author: Admin


  1. Anyone who thinks the Tiger will win knows absolutely nothing about bears. Even black bears would beat them.

    Let alone a Grizzly or Polar Bear… It’d be a pretty one sided slaughter in a fight to the death.

  2. BEAR: "get out of the way tiger or else"
    TIGER: "nah, bear YOU get out of the or else"
    HONEY BADGER:(30 minutes later): "that's the best bear and tiger balls I have ever tasted"

  3. Düşünün bu ayı en küçük ayı türü kaplan bunda bile çok zorlanıyosa bı boz ayı gelse kaplanın işi çok zor nerdeyse imkansız ve bu videodaki dövüşte ayı savaşı yeniyo

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