Texas authorities have released a video showing the aftermath of a fatal crash in Nov. 2021 that was caused by a drunk driver.
The video shows a good Samaritan chasing down and tackling the drunk driver responsible, 26-year-old Dylan Molina.
Molina was drunkenly driving at high speeds when he ran a red light and crashed his rental Jeep into another vehicle in Fort Worth, Texas, according to several police reports on the incident from the Lake Worth Police Department.
Full Story https://rb.gy/uhqsmy
W man L runner
The run☠️
The average American reaching top speed
He probably ran out of shock and fright doesn’t mean he is a horrible person anyone’s reaction to a horrible situation like that can be different
thats why i hate drinking
fuck he runnin like dat for? 😭😭😭🙏🙏
I get that there trying to stop the dude but that was to far how rude😡
Filming guy just lunging
That is an outraged American, being American isn't about where you are from, its what you stand for.
W man
You’ll kill somebody if you DUI
Why ppl drink and drive bro if he is unconscious drunk then why to drive bro you can leave your car booked a cab go home safely
This is how i run when i am in a nightmare
Whys he running like a 2 yr old who just got McDonald's
I drove drunk with my now ex gf one night , i dont remember even making it home , got sober in january and about to hit 6 months in 2 days , never drive drunk it isn't worth it
What about the bartender that served him. Shouldn't he be charged as well?
Don’t touch him
The skinny jeans say it all.
Bro makes caseoh look tiny
Rented jeep. Smh.
Dude must be drunk asf😂