Inmate dealing with a PREDATOR in Jail. 60 day in
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Jelly roll
Hey he aint checked out so he aint all the way pussy.i been on the bus with bigger people acting tuff and as soon as they get processed they walk in a different direction with their heads down
What a horrible life to live … to be preyed upon … awful ! Awful humans!!!
These are not actual prisons for dangerous people by the looks of it ..free to just walk about and shit..wierdo af
thanks for this
man i thought that was boogie in the thumbnail
When you see people like this in jail and the monsters on wall street or in the white house, it confirms the legal system is completely rigged.
He lucky they ain’t decide to take the cheeks
JD, could you pwease do a video on this joker? https://youtu.be/e32yzOqpq_4?si=uW_g4K7mU3Pg8eo0
I came here thinking i was gonna get to see a chomo get beat up, and I am now highly disappointed
The intake of breath DeSean sounded like a muffled, surprised scream. He seemed to think the dude was mad at him.
I thought that was boogie 100 pounds slimmer
I mean what was he gonna do? Attack that guy that was twice his size who prly has a shank?
He just cock blocked Dasharn, Darsharn wanted that daddy action.
I cant be the only one who thought that was Boogie2988 in the thumbnail for a split second
Darius seems like a decent bloke.
Dor this kid to meet a guy like this in jail is PRICELESS.. hes fish food
No matter what you gotta fight inside the ones i seen who didnt fight back in distroyed them not just losing their respect but ended up catching hell from the other inmates
was that boogie?
Why does that dude look like boogie
The pred looks like boogie2988
“I get the sense that his roommate is preying type”
cuts to a frame of the dude creepily peering at the young boy
These people aint in jail if they making a whole show
Dude gonna get his chora taken
Thing is, predators actually manipulate inmates by playing mentor like this.
TF kind of jail dont have a door?
Darius is a solid one.
There are YouTubers everywhere in society even in prison
I thought that was @PapaMeat then
❤ Don't relax with wrong person or date them , hopefully never in prison,Every parent should teach kids respect,yet kids run wild ,so many times no time for teaching , Better Life Styles & Then schools I seen group bad kid with good kid , down hill afterwards , life is hard , HOMESCHOOL IS ADVICED IF YOU LOVE YOUR SPAWN ❤
Because each human chooses their own path no matter what their parent/s said or did .
Then we have very bad family members that never go to jail or prison 🎉😢
I sure life 🧬 is so strange , you can't be sure of any situation something can change and then you won't know, and then you don't know what to do , being silent 😶 doing nothing is best 😭 💔 in my life 🧬❤ 💜🧠🏖️🏦
I don't see justice, I pray 🙏 💕 I mean with heart ❣️ & pray with soul whole essence, I see karma 😮
I don't mean human touch or jail / prison .
Nameste 😂 🚭🏦🤔⚖️🤔😶🎤😂🖤♂️🕊️💝🗝️💗These guys will be friends ❤for life 🧬🧬 I have a feeling 🎉
I think that kid may be autistic
Clickbait title
my question is why this prison allows this creep to be in close quarters with a young man 🤦🏽♀️
This is worse then the Kardashians
DeSean was used by this guy. Im glad others stood up for him.
is this a live action yaoi?
1:49 bro hair is dope
Thug Life —> Gay Life
Ive been there and man not present
Id let the big guy have his way with me
There's a lot more degenerates in county than in state or federal. Change my mind. In state prisons at least its more regulated and reformatory. Here you see the common shit that happens in county its like losers go there to fuckin shack up. But yeah, you dont get many ppl trying to guide people out of county again thats more like a reform thing than anything.
Also: I didnt know that the uploader was the mentor in the video. Mad respect dude honestly.
boogie 2988
that isnt a predator. that is a fellow criminal. maybe the more the kids get pumped. The less they would want to go back to jail. But they way its seem is this generation enjoys same same
Please tell me Frederick Kevin aint number 3
That Booty would of been gone
So how the hell did a guy like Deshawn end up in jail?