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About the Author: Scare Flix


  1. It actually looks like it could be part of the underground railroad for the slaves to escape,,, I actually found one myself underneath my 250-year-old farmhouse.And actually got found out to be part of the underground railroad kind of looked almost the same

  2. Terrifying !! I would want to run out of there and never look back !! But I would be so curious to know where those tunnels lead too , I would love to explore them and find out but with a group of friends , and during the day ..

  3. Have you guys gotten any further or do you know if they got any further if not I would love to go down there not afraid of anything they just don't know how to deal with it

  4. Who brought kids to the Hellfires Club domain? Jimmy who Jimmie JJ Walker? He said get insurance and Dynomite blow that crap up! And Jimmy is humming the theme song. "Keeping your head above water. 🎵Making waves when you can. Temporary layoffs Good Times

  5. It's definitely a cool and strange find but if that crying was 100% real then ur definitely gonna have way more unexpected company than first thought! Good luck dude!😮😮😮

  6. It was probably used during prohibition and I would bet at some point it led to somewhere across the street. BUT, I can't explain the crying. That explanation includes a priest and a blessing.

  7. Underground Railroad Probably. I seen plenty old places ,houses and businesses all over the northeast with hidden rooms and tunnels .

  8. What the heck was that white shadow walking or going towards the back of the tunnel ? All you can see is a white leg or whatever the heck that was ? I’m outta there no way buddy run don’t walk . 👻☠️👽👻💀

  9. From the base it looks like a very old home. Going back maybe more than a hundred years. Lots of people had tunnels under their homes. They used them for a variety of reasons but escaping frequently from Native American attacks or other kinds of attacks. Smuggling all sorts of things. Usually went down to a river or ocean to a boat.

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