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About the Author: Adventure Boy


  1. the fact he had to explain why you shouldn't flip people off to begin with is a prime example of why people hate bikers. they're insufferable, like skateboarders

  2. would be a black guy going right to pulling a guy and taking someones life over nothing because he doesn't know how to control something as basic as his feelings. Sad sad life prob already in prison trying to do this with some old person next.

  3. Only Americans willing to throw their lives away for nothing, even the smallest grievances. Shot someone over a middle finger? Yeah clowns and evil losers.

  4. Flipping off falls under the first amendment therefore you can flip anyone off. Doesnt matter whonthey are. You can legally flip off the president if you want. No legal actions can be taken by any authorities.

  5. What happened to the days where you flip someone off in traffic and they just blew their horn or flipped you back off and kept going???? Those were the days!!!!

  6. I wish he said …“ Shooting me will get you 35 years in the state pen and maybe something stuck up your ass.” ( He asked right. )

  7. I once made the mistake of riding and hanging out with a guy that some of my other friends called Loose Bruce. He was a total idiot. But I was kinda young and dumb as well.

    Within a couple of months I wound up in jail four times (Three arrests, and a two week stay in the Dallas County Jail) because of his stupidity and my willingness to put up with him. I finally figured out that he was not the kind of person that I should associate with. Some people are magnets for trouble, and you should avoid them. 😮

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