Danny Duncan gets confronted

Danny Duncan gets confronted
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Original Video – Danny Duncan: RIP to my Tesla! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-NrwsUs50


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About the Author: Danny Duncan Shorts


  1. U know that Mexican guy doesn’t own it he just sits there all day waiting for people to break stuff so he can confront them then ask them for money

  2. How is this guy even popular, I watch so many underrated YouTubers that are so much better and than this guy who doesn’t even do property damage.

  3. I would kick his ass if he was on my property. He said he was acting like he was scared Damm right he was scared because he knows for a fact he could have gone to jail for trespassing destroying private property and for being an asshole

  4. I really dont understand why so many people here think this is fun or funny, it takes one guy with no filter on private property in the middle of nowhere for people to go missing. Hes still breaking things he doesn't own while being somewhere he doesn't belong and thats absolutely more than enough for some people. His content sucks in general, i really can't understand the appeal.

  5. All of you are hating on a man that’s doing better than you and the only reason why you people don’t like him is literally because you’re jealous so grow up and just do better with your life’s instead of sitting in a YouTube comment section and moaning and complaining about someone you’ve never even met.

  6. Why this short have so much hate it’s like hating on someone having to crush junk cars these house are fuckedd and been abandoned since the mid 80s pull ur panties out ur hole

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