sneaking by security to climb 1400ft crane in a storm…

sneaking by security to climb 1400ft crane in a storm...
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Music: Delkom – Viva La Droga

Climbed with the mythical tombruise_


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About the Author: DyingLlama


  1. If you're going to do this in the future, make sure before climbing on slippery surfaces like a crane, dust the drywall dust or debris off the bottom of your shoes beforehand. Walking through a construction site, you're bound to collect some on your shoes. Drywall dust will make your sneakers slippery.

  2. Жах. Лише від перегляду відео в мене ноги холонуть і тремтять😮, жесть…

  3. 16:44 the weight of your body is all in the legs right now, low grip because of the wet metal, pushing it slightly sideways because you're pushing against the top bar. All it takes is a small gust of wind and youll be dead in about a minute

  4. The scenario on top of the crane is like a dream… but I honestly think this isn't worth it. And you should get arrested to learn your lesson without losing your life… Although, I guess by now you must be really sure about what you are doing lol.

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