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About the Author: RIFIANBOY


  1. My friend (blackout drunk) jumped out of a 3 story window and walked it off, he had a broken wrist i think and a minor conussion lol

  2. It's funny how many cyclists win races shortly after getting injured, I won my first race after a light training ride the day before when I wasn't paying attention and crashed into the back of a car.
    Walking home with broken forks and cutting my lip with my teeth made me more determined the next day.

  3. The affected stretch that precedes the bridge is about 600 meters long with a gradient of 11% and the road is about 5 meters wide, then suddenly there is a curve to the left and a bridge 3 meters wide, easy to get long if you don't know it, an old stretch of road

  4. An absolutely awful crash for Remco. Obviously, F1 is both dangerous, but also extremely rewarding. More riders have died while I've been into cycling than ever have in F1. Only now do the riders get a "decent" wage, but, not so long ago these guys had another job in the off-season. British champion Chris Lillywhite was a plumber in the winter months, imagine having Lewis Hamilton round to check your boiler.

  5. Despite the great storytelling, I have to give compliments to the whole production of the video. Amazing job with the graphics and animations. Wow !

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