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About the Author: Spectator


  1. No it's not..When they had a string of attacks years ago, at that Egyptian resort, it was because an Egyptian tour guide diver would bring bait with him in a pocket on his back by the buttocks area to bring the sharks in for the tourists, believe it or not people pay a lot of money to swim with sharks..Anyways since this was habitual, the sharks thought every diver or snorkeler had food in their buttocks area, and that's the area where the sharks attacked..I'm not saying d**d livestock wnt bring them in, but that's common in a lot of parts of the world, Australia does it among others..and the sharks dnt seem to really care about the livestock in the water..

  2. A few days before Vladimir Popov was killed by thf shark . .. the water had dead animals near by .. this is the peoples fault by allowing this to happen

  3. So it's always the humans doing something wrong, never the animal simply being dangerous.

    And this human is doing nothing wrong.

  4. I've heard about this , ships cargo are sheep but due to stuff way to many sheep on the ship , some sheep die. And instead of putting the dead sheep in the freezer they throw the dead sheep overboard, thats why there are so many shark attacks. But thats illegal now

  5. When I was on a trip in the Bahamas it was common practice for the folks there to feed sharks, barracuda, stingrays and it was done in the open ocean as a form of “entertainment” for the tourists to watch these animals come feed and no wonder people get attacked going into the water in these areas, it isn’t the fault of the animal, the human has conditioned them to come close to us for food now, this isn’t natural obviously so what do people expect? Then people want to blame the shark and hunt it down and kill it ?? How about the idiots that thought this was a good idea in the first place?

  6. Fucking disgusting live animal transport results in this. Cruel to the animals on these ships, and creating another problem for people around the Red Sea

  7. They "attack" people because of the huge fishing industry and human presence in the area. They want nothing to do with us. It is all mistaken identiy and accidents. The fishing lures in a lot of sharks, and the many people on the water end up confusing the sharks in one way or another case by case, leading to a shark accident/incident, not attack.

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