Dumb American Fails | Try Not To Laugh 🇺🇸

Dumb American Fails | Try Not To Laugh 🇺🇸
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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. HEY kisluxbag !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day <3

  2. There are a lot of truly terrifying, possibly life changing pains happening in this video. I wish people would become more educated on how fragile a human body is, and why these kinds of accidents/mishaps are NOT fails and should instead raise concern.

  3. The whole video really made my day.

    Extremely funny and an instant mood lifter/changer, And laughter is THE best medicine one could want when feeling a bit down, so I must say a big "THANK YOU" to anyone involed , starring as a main / lead etc…etc….

    I love Big Foot especially 🤣

    The view count is astonishing for only being online for, literally, ONLY a few days – no other YT Channel is anywhere nears yours and you must put a lot of time and effort into your shows and I am sure your MILLIONS of Groupies very much enjoy each and everyone of your videos

    Best Wishes from Across The Pond In The UK x

  4. Fine examples of why heath care shouldn’t be free, you need to pay for it like the rest of us! Especially if you are an idiot.

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