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About the Author: Admin


  1. What you fools don't understand is that this stork brought that springbok mother the baby, and she rejected it. The stork brought it into the world, and the stork will take it out. Package refused.

  2. "There was none to intervene" Its calles Rules of Nature.
    And we Humans raise our disabelt Kids instead of killing them at Birth … THATS sad.

  3. Hey pendehos tire comida al paharro una pierda? in English throw some food at bird you might Distract the bird? Throw somthing at it a rock? Idiots.

  4. Looks like the mother was rejecting it but the zoo should have stepped in. Unless it is a "we dgaf about the animals so long as we sell tickets" kind of zoo

  5. 😅🤣😂 people now a days are so brainless i miss the old days when people actually had common sense, instead of recording standing there like a m0r0n

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