The Worst Crash That Never Happened

The Worst Crash That Never Happened
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This documentary provides an in-depth look at close-calls at US airports, where a collision was only narrowly avoided.

Written by Leon Herres and Norbert Vorstädt

Images via Getty, AP Newsroom
Map source by MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors via Geolayers 3


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About the Author: neo


  1. It's worth noting in the JFK incident that it was the ground warning system that notified ATC that a plane was crossing an active runway. Only 35 airports in the US have this system in place. It saved lives that day but isn't very widely used.

  2. Not telling anyone their jobs but when a pilot asks "Am I really cleared to land? I see lights on the runway" It seems like the answer should always be "Not anymore you’re not"

  3. Can't blame the ATC for this one – no matter how many people you put in that tower, if the pilot asks "Is runway we are cleared to land on clear?" the ATC will reply with a "yes" if that runway is, indeed clear. The ATC does not have the capacity to know if the pilots decide to land on the runway, taxiway or the parking lot at wallmart next door.

  4. I am surprised that there are no traffic lights for this in 2023? A simple red light on the ground could avoid this. You could also have a real time plane locations visualization model for the pilot. Is it really that hard?

  5. Just wondering, why is the audio quality of the communications between pilots so bad? Like i would not be able to understand a word they are saying if i was flying a plane

  6. We were taking off in Charlotte and they kept dicing the freezing rain continued, it seemed like without warning we took off quickly. I felt the plane slide side to side then up quickly. The storm got so much worse. Then tutbulance so bad women were screaming and crying. We safely landed in Atlanta. A woman screamed to the pilot, I will never fly Eastern again!! Another lady got her suitcase opened it to find a scorpion in it! A month later Eastern was out of business.

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