Truck Narrowly Misses School Bus After Brakes Fail

Truck Narrowly Misses School Bus After Brakes Fail
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‘No, no, no, get away!’ — A truck driver’s quick thinking helped avoid a disaster when his brakes failed as he approached a school bus full of children and a line of cars waiting for the bus to pull away.
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  1. Mark your calendars for NowThis' presidential forum with Joe Biden! We're hosting an intimate conversation between Pres. Biden and young change-makers focused on finding solutions to the most critical issues facing their generation. Tune in Sunday, October 23, at 7 pm ET — streaming everywhere. Learn more and RSVP here:

  2. The pickup that just sat there standing his ground not dipping over to give more room. So brave. So stunning. He really showed the tractor a thing or 2

  3. The terror in his voice may be for his safety but it’s highly likely for the safety of those children on that school bus also. He would be absolutely destroyed by guilt if he ended up hitting that school bus.

  4. As a bus driver, I know how hard it can be to hear things from the bus. Kids talking, your own engine, but this was very well done, and I commend all that was in it for staying calm.

  5. Luckily there wasn’t a kid with headphones on starting at a screen crossing the street from the bus 💀 that’s what I see all the kids doing nowadays

  6. Те, на встречке стоят и смотрят и ждут чего-то вместо того, чтобы съехать с дороги. Видели же, что несется с горы и сигналит издалека, значит что-то страшное случилось. И вот смотришь и вспоминаешь слова Задорнова))

  7. the person in the black pick up has very little situational awareness or just lack of survival skills because why not go the the path of grass on their right

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