Body laying on the side of climbing route to the Everest summit in the death zone. All 14 peaks above 8000m in the death zones are located in the Himalayan range and Karakoram of Asia. In mountaineering, the death zone refers to altitudes above a certain point where the pressure of oxygen is insufficient to sustain human life for an extended time span. This point is generally tagged as 8,000 m, where it is less than 356 millibars of atmospheric pressure. The human body functions best at sea level where the atmospheric pressure is 1013.25 millibars at sea level.
Many deaths in high-altitude mountaineering have been caused by the effects of the death zone, either directly by the loss of vital functions or indirectly by wrong decisions made under stress, or physical weakening leading to accidents. An extended stay above 8,000 meters (26,247 ft) without supplementary oxygen will result in worsening of bodily functions and death.
Video credit to @sportvinayak
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Thanks and Namaste
The scariest thing about this is he was literally doing exactly what you’re doing at this moment when he died.
Looks like he just sat down to a nice view and excepted his fate.
Me he rest in peace 🙏.
Is he still there or removed
This climber should be tagged with his/her name
遗体躺在通往珠穆朗玛峰峰顶的攀登路线一侧的死亡区。死亡区中海拔8,000米以上的所有14座山峰都位于亚洲的喜马拉雅山脉和喀喇昆仑山脉。在登山运动中,死亡区是指在一定高度以上,氧气压力不足,无法长时间维持人类生命的高度。这个高度通常标记为8,000 m,此时大气压低于356毫巴。人体在海平面上的功能最佳,此时大气压为1013.25毫巴。在高海拔登山运动中,许多人因死亡区的影响而死亡,这些影响要么是直接失去重要功能,要么是间接在压力下做出错误决定,或身体虚弱导致事故。在没有补充氧气的情况下长时间停留在8,000 米以上,将导致身体功能恶化和死亡。
卧槽 真是 图啥呢?
0分6秒 是一具尸体吧
People are dying but they let them go up there ?
That guy didn't look too well.
His face looks a lot like a mannequin's
Rest in peace
I only go up to this part of it, I won't go up beyond that The death zone i don't Go.
시체산이 되어가는 …
what the mountain takes it keeps
girl i think
Everest Tourismus
Why blur the face?
Imagine climbing for your first time and see a dead body
It's the life you choose for yourself.
Climbing? The rope was already there mate