Russian soldier surrenders to Ukrainian drone outside Bakhmut

Russian soldier surrenders to Ukrainian drone outside Bakhmut
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A Russian soldier who was fighting in the trenches outside Bakhmut surrendered to Ukrainian forces and was led to safety by a drone piloted by the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade.

Yurii Fedorenko, who commands the 92nd’s Achilles drone company, wrote on his Telegram channel that one Russian soldier signalled to a hovering surveillance drone that he wanted to surrender but that his comrades would kill him.

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  1. War is so pointless, after every war we had we still continue to have more
    Its a sad world we live, the sadder part is knowing none of the soldiers actually want to be there

  2. Hello,

    Our family consists of one child, two parents, and two cats. We lived in Donetsk, an area affected by military actions. Unfortunately, in recent years, the situation in our region has significantly deteriorated, making our stay there dangerous and unstable. As a result, we have made the difficult but necessary decision to move to the United States, where we hope to find safety and stability for our family.

    Why the USA? I really like American culture and mentality. Life in the USA is much better than in other countries, personally for me. American culture, with its diversity and openness, gives everyone the opportunity to find their place and realize their dreams. There is also a wide range of entertainment and leisure activities. Combined with a high standard of living and access to quality education and healthcare, the USA becomes an ideal place for me to live and work.

    We fully understand that such requests require significant trust and responsibility. We are confident that the USA will provide us with the opportunity to start a new life in safe and favorable conditions. Our family only needs help with the invitation. We are ready to start working immediately upon arrival.

    In this regard, we would like to ask you to consider providing us with an invitation through the U4U program and help us with our move to the USA. We are ready to provide any necessary information and documents to confirm our intentions and circumstances.

    Filling out the sponsorship documents is quite simple and will not take much of your time. This small step on your part will open the door to a new life for an entire family, giving us a chance for a safe and stable future.

    We would also like to clarify that it is not necessarily a US citizen who can help us. Under the U4U program, a sponsor can be any lawful permanent resident of the USA (Green Card holder), Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holder, refugee, or asylee. Our family can contact you at any time if there are questions or additional information is needed regarding sponsorship or our move.

    We will be immensely grateful for your help, as our situation is truly difficult and requires urgent action. Your compassion and support are very important to us during this difficult period of our lives.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.

    Yuriy Alexandrov

  3. Правильный выбор, нужно жить, а не умирать за чужие имперские амбиции

  4. Это доказательство того , что украинцы защищают свой дом , а русских гонят на верную смерть с помощью пропаганды …

  5. Он вроде показывает, что 1 на 5 готов воевать. 1 к 10, нет, убьют. Меня убьют? Меня будут бить? Дрон показывает нет, Молодцы, что договорились.!

  6. Все закончится, когда победит справедливость. А вот эта вся нечисть, которая оккупироаала земли моих предков, как оказалось уже давно, ушла в прошлое. К Бандере

  7. Матери и России и Украины должны призвать своих детей сдать оружие и выразить свою волю к миру ! И тогда Запад ничего не сможет сделать двум сторонам!

  8. Honestly anyone seeing this would offer refuge, Russia is pushing their military to its limits, these men didn't want this, they wanted a government that isn't hellbent on destroying neighbors

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