Random street fight in the 416. Mob of kids. Hybrid of Jamaican patois & Scarborough native tongue. Someone please teach these kids how to speak & act properly. World Star.
Random street fight in the 416. Mob of kids. Hybrid of Jamaican patois & Scarborough native tongue. Someone please teach these kids how to speak & act properly. World Star.
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Beats and McDonald’s cups everywhere.
0:22 “boys”
Man stood his ground tho
Mans got the same Charlotte Hornets jacket as me
only in toronto
The end lololo
Where are all these internet gangsters at when there’s white people fighting? 🤔
it's just talk not fight 😀
all waste yutes
Man got confident once the cops showed up lol
I love Toronto.
That’s a discussion not a fight you inbred six toed back alley engineered accident 😏
Pisses me off when people jump people!
Handle it like a real man and go 1 on 1
I was excited to give this a thumbs down cause this whack video is almost negative so please help out and give this a thumbs down 👎
Best street argument of 2016
HA! Zanzibar.
They ran because they have guns in their bags you fucking lucky idiot.
why is everyone in the comments acting like there aren't white kids that cause trouble like this lmao.. just search it on youtube and see how stupid you look generalizing a race.
Young homosexuals pretending to be Rocky.
Fight ???? Where
What part of Africa is shown on this video?
ooooh brown-a-Da.. Our home and native land..
Lmao its like a movie when the antagonists run away from the protagonist and he thinks its because he scared em, but really theres a big monster behind him. The monster in this case being the police. Dumb fuck acts like they ran from him lol.
The moment you realize walls need to be built.
Blacks . Let import more that's a good idea
Smoothest "worldstar" phrase i ever heard.
right outside the rippppers
Back to your hole in Scarborough
Laaammmmeee shit
Fuck worldstar
Behold, the Democratic Party's new world order.
where is fight???
This isn't Toronto
The only good street fights in CANADA are in Montreal at least people get knocked out and beat the fuck down.
HAHA that guy at the end
I love how brown boys think they are NIGGAS… Lol. Pom pom
The fact that this is in front of Zanzibar makes this that much more hilarious
0:29 The most unique fight stance I’ve ever seen! 😂
Dat poosy tooched my fambily .
And that’s why I don’t go downtown anymore. Just a bunch of goofs. And that’s not just a random scene FYI. It’s pretty much the norm down there.
Pussy ass shit
2000s have hit Canada
That was all bark n no spark jnf get it poppin.