TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #226 | Funny Fails Of Week | Instant Regret Compilation 2024.
Welcome to a burst of laughter with our latest video compilation. This weekend, unwind with family as you watch total idiots at work navigate through hilarious mishaps.
Featuring a blend of bad day at work scenarios and funny fails, this video is a testament to how even a simple task can turn into instant regret. Enjoy our compilation of fun and fails, and make it your go-to for a lighthearted weekend watch on TV.
So, gather your loved ones, tune in, and let the good times roll. Don’t forget to subscribe for more videos where total idiots at work make you laugh out loud. Ready, set, laugh!
01:15 idiots at work
12:36 instant regret fails
34:19 fails compilation
40:01 total idiots at work
✅ Playlist:
★ Total Idiots At Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv3wyakljWaQtAxWKAlP9RV4
★ 1 Hour of Total Idiots at Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv0GX5xhoJWFeZuo0TdqCfAq
★ Bad day at work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv2i1hnQ3BPlOsXfdgWhVex2
Video Total Idiots at Work are for educational and entertainment purposes; all content complies with YouTube guidelines, and no one was injured in the making of these videos.
Copyright Disclaimer:
The material in this video was collected from many places. It belongs to people and organizations who deserve to be respected.
Copyright Disclaimer Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that uses.
For copyright matters, please contact us at: IDWIdiot99@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
#idiotsatwork #baddayatwork #instantregrets #fails #idw
Tune in to IDW’s best video yet!
poor old lady falling down that stairway probably got hurt bad, they other person that fell by the railing maybe some bruised ribs.
Ak sound effects are trash.
Alot of repeats but still funny anyone have the unrated version of 45:24 the woman on the Spanish show.
Very entertaining 👍
The commentary is so stoopid.
I really like your channel, however, you show a lot of duplicate video's… Meaning, you show a lot of videos multiple times 🤗🤗🤗
these comments are gold, but the video quality could use a bump up
learning a ton from these ladder situations, never knew so much could go wrong
these idiots at work vids are hilarious, but the camera works a bit shaky
really impressed by the ladder fails, picking up lots of safety tips here
gotta say, these ladder fails r a real eye-opener, safety first ppl!
the humor in each fail is top-notch, but why so many ads tho?
lol, the way ppl keep messing up at work is just too funny
always learn something new from these ladder fails, like a safety masterclass
so fun watching these fails, but pls, the background musics too loud sometimes
Jump &exit😂😂😂😂
great content but sometimes the comments section is not good, gets too wild
Nice video