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About the Author: animal diary


  1. É aqui no Brasil INSTITUTO ONÇA PINTADA, animais selvagens resgatados, filhotes que foram abandonados pela mãe ou foi morta por caçadores, qualquer animal selvagem e resgatado tratado no Instituto, esse rapaz se chama Tiago ele é filho dos tratadores faz Faculdade atualmente ele interage, trabalha com todos os animais do Isntituto. Lá tem Tamanduá, Veado Campeiro, Cotia, Paca, Cobra, etc etc uma infinidade de animais, resgatados. 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  2. The kid's name is Tiago. He is the son of two brazilian biologists: Dr. Anah and Dr Leandro Silveira. They specialize in jaguars and they run a santuary and research center called Instituto Onça Pintada.

  3. This jaguar should be owne by this dude … they are considered endangered species specially in México in the rest of Latin America… I know he didn’t found them in USA… this video is totally 🐂 fake

  4. highly doubt that he found them 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  5. So proud of you for taking in little fur babies & taking care of them.Maybe if it ever happens again you can take them to a veterinarian/zoologist to have them looked at.I know having babies & fur babies that love & kindness & constantly learning on the job as you do it being a parent & caregiver.Maybe when you go to college you can be a future veterinarian/zoologist-@12yrs of school after graduating high school (13yrs)-To everyone never stop learning,caring,loving& treating everyone/& all creatures with respect & kindness & caring,because love/kindness it’s contagious soon others start doing it too everywhere!!!😍🥰😘😻😀😇😎🤓🤩

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