How to start an animal rescue. How to start a non profit animal rescue

How to start an animal rescue. How to start a non profit animal rescue
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How to start an animal rescue. How to start a non profit animal rescue. This video offers some quick tips on how to start your own non-profit animal rescue. 6 easy steps to start saving lives. Adopt dont shop!

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  1. When I was a kid and lived out in the country, people often dumped stray dogs out there thinking they could survive in the wild better than a shelter. In the neighborhood there was an animal rescue that was often overloaded with dogs and cats, managed by one person and volunteers that helped out when they had spare time.
    She had trouble affording things sometimes, but managed to keep up with feeding and enclosure care.
    Rescues often have an adoption fee and/or a fee for taking in your animal, and it helps the place stay afloat. One could also ask for donations of money and food, as well as trying to implement a system of fostering out the animals for certain amounts of time.
    It takes a lot just to keep the food bowls full

  2. Hi I'm in Texas and thank you for sharing. You gave me some idea of how to start. Are 3 people absolutely required to file for non profit?

  3. Hi Mr Jeff I’m Arunraj and I’m pursuing my MBA degree in Bengaluru (India) and I wanted to start animals welfare organisation could you please guide me in this situation

  4. my 4 year old learnt were dogs go and wanted to make sure they all had a home, i though ok how do we do this… need to work in the future why not help them do what they want.

  5. I have wanted to do this for years and years and love supporting and volunteering; would love to be a resource to rescues to help with much needed funding.

  6. Im 11 years old and i really want to rescue animals. This was so helpful, ive been pet sitting for a while and i have rescued some animals. Bunnies, baby bats, a stranded duckling by a snake, and a kitten.

  7. My mission is I love dogs they are so loyal & I don't like them being treated wrong that is my mission to get all or most a loving home.

  8. Great video! Im looking forward to establishing an animal sanctuary in California. I love all domesticated animals … I find myself the happiest when around animals.

  9. im 16, ive been rescuing cats & dogs since i was 13. training them basic obedience, taking them to the vet & rehoming them! im going to start an actual rescue in about 7 months (in my home still, of course. May 2023) and set rules, start rehoming pets the right way. when i told the vet they said they approve :)! im going to be based off donations and rehoming fees to keep my business alive and going.

  10. I have a dream. CAT CAFFEE and cat rescue 2in1. Been taling cate of steet animals long time. And can not believe they have no safe place to be. And no other cat sanctuary "have place for them"

  11. Thank you for such a great video, Jeff! 🙂 I would like to start one to help homeless animals in Spain (where I am from). Could I start one in the US to help animals overseas and without a board of members or could be the members from overseas? Thanks again for your dedication!

  12. I did a rescue one dog went two my ex 2 went two my aunt then I had 3 cats but while I was in public housing someone rated me out to housing authority and I was forced to give 2 cats and a kitten to the monmouth County aspca I cried so much I don't like mellissa Gario of Neptune township housing authority I was doing a good thing helping animals the monmouth County aspca was very appreciative of me

  13. Hi Jeff I wanted to start a non profit too but I’m still working on for what animal I don’t care for which animal to be honest. The 501c do you need to have it? If you don’t do you need to let your donors know?

  14. I want to rescue farm animals but I only have 2.2 achers, and I work a 9-5 and I have no infrastructure for shelter and fencing. so I don't see how to even pull it off… As far as I can see it would require a fairly large amount of initial investment to even get up and going.

  15. I want to start a cat rescue in my town because there are so many cats on the streets here. The police station has a special program for dogs to keep from having to take them to the pound and find their owner if they have one but they don't have that for cats and I want to start a rescue for cats and work with the police station in a similar manner however… I live in a rental home with my mom, brother and sister and our landlord won't let us have cats…. I don't know if they would let us have them outside in an enclosure with a roof so they cant climb out and get into trouble (if i can, I hope for it to be temporary)… Rather getting the landlord to let me do that is possible or not, can I establish a nonprofit, raise funds, and use some of the funds to rent a place, that will let me keep the cats, specifically for the nonprofit? Ugh i hope that makes sense.

  16. Do you have any thoughts/tips for a physically disabled person? I have so much passion but I really am unsure I can do it because of my physical limitations (I use a wheelchair most the time but can walk very short distances).

  17. Dose this work for a farm animal rescue? That's what I want to do in my future it has been my dream for years I know it would be a more expensive starting cost to build a barn ,fencing and it would be more for food but just woundering adout the making it official stuff!?

  18. i have been working professionally in shelters for years and have finally decided to open my own. 🙂 i feel like i understand animals better than a lot of people and i am tired of feeling like things are inadequate here or there. i just want my own space where i know from top down the babies will get the care done right.

  19. I really want to start a nonprofit rabbit, guinea pig, and hamster rescue. I have the space, my old shed will do fine but it definitely needs fixed. I’m trying to decide if I want to just get a completely new shed or fix my old one. Anyways I’ve had experience with all three animals.

  20. Hi I am starting a rescue and I was wondering how and when you can start bringing dogs in? Do you need 501c3 status? What paperwork is needed? Thank you

  21. I currently save and foster cats and dogs. Where I'm from I usually get people from organizations to transport them to other sanctuaries or rescues, but it does take a long time and usually (mostly the cats) grow out of their "adoption phase" unfortunately. I've been wondering if I become a non-profit, will it open doors to have more access to transports? I do see the rescues here transporting animals of their own (not accepting mine or other peoples) and I want/need that, but I've been wondering if it is because they're a registered non-profit or something else. I hope you can read my comment. Thank you!

  22. i’ve always wanted to start a non profit bird or exotic animal sanctuary but i worry about the financial side of it. like how much it takes to start, getting facilities, how i can get supporters and donors, etc.

  23. Hey! Thank you so much for this video! You clarified a lot of things I was wondering about! I would love to see more videos like this, and also some that are about more specific (maybe 1 subject) and that really go into depth on that one thing… anyways, I appreciate the help!

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