We Live in a Simulation. The evidence is everywhere. All you have to do is look.

We Live in a Simulation. The evidence is everywhere. All you have to do is look.
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Is this reality? Well, we’re experiencing … something right now so maybe the better question is: *what* is reality?

Could everything we see, everything we experience, everything that exists in our entire universe — be artificial?

Supporters of Simulation Theory believe that not only is it *possible* that we’re living in a simulation; it’s likely.

And the more we look for evidence, the more we find.

Philip K Dick believed deja vu was the simulation adjusting to new code. Many people experience The Mandela Effect, a or “false memory” shared by a large number of people.

But the biggest clues of Simulation Theory come from science. Specifically: quantum mechanics. The only way the Double-Slit Experiment makes sense is if we live in a program. Quantum Entanglement also defies logic. Only our program would have the ability to defy the laws of physics – and the concept of time.

Let’s find out why.


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About the Author: The Why Files


  1. Holy Smokes, AJ. This episode is truly outstanding. I've been familiar with several aspects of the Simulation Theory for several years now, but you've helped me get a better understanding of the ones I already knew, on top of presenting new, ridiculously complex ones in a digestible way.

    I cannot emphasize enough how appreciative I am of you (and Hecklefish of course) for your videos. Your entire creative process from beginning to end is among the best I've had the pleasure of experiencing. I truly am thankful I randomly stumbled upon your channel several months ago. You've since become my favorite content creator and you set the bar higher & higher with each video. Please never stop ! We'll eventually crush the algorithm gods and get you to the top, where you belong. Thank you again!

  2. Elon Musk has argued that we almost certainly live in a simulated reality and the possibility that we live in a simulation created by an advanced civilization.

    But Who am I?

    the only Alternative to these secular beliefs are included in the
    Ancient prognosis for our history and miraculously include a definition for solutions contained only in the Hebrew traditions and writings regarding this simulation…

    in a nutshell…. our individual time, now only averaging 80 years in this physical reality is a test and a time for us to choose what reality we really will belong to after this current physical presence passes away and we level up to our true reality.

    IE: The Hebrew Bible consistently warns us that this world will not last forever. โ€œHeaven and earth will pass away,โ€ Jesus said in Matthew 24:35. His statement was in the context of end timesโ€™ prophecies and the eternal nature of Jesusโ€™ words: โ€œMy words will never pass away.โ€ This means that trusting Jesus is wiser than trusting anything in this world.

    The prophet Isaiah foretold the passing away of heaven and earth, too. โ€œAll the stars in the sky will be dissolved and the heavens rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig treeโ€ (Isaiah 34:4). The Lord assures His people that, even as the heaven and earth are passing away, His salvation is secure: โ€œThe heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never failโ€ (Isaiah 51:6).

    Jesus himself refers to the passing away of heaven and earth in Matthew 5:18. In Revelation 21:1, John writes of a new heaven and a new earth in the eternal state, having seen that โ€œthe first heaven and the first earth had passed awayโ€ (cf. Isaiah 65:17 and 2 Peter 3:13). To โ€œpass awayโ€ is to disappear or be no more. This refers to the physical heaven and earthโ€”the material world and all it containsโ€”but not to the spirits/souls of the inhabitants of those places. Scripture is clear that people will outlast the current material universe, some in a state of eternal bliss and some in a state of eternal misery, and that the current universe will be replaced by another that will never know the contamination of sin.

    The method of this worldโ€™s destruction is revealed in 2 Peter 3:10โ€“12: โ€œThe day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire. . . . That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.โ€ In Noahโ€™s day, the world was destroyed with water, but God promised to send no more global floods (Genesis 9:11). In the Day of the Lord, the universe will be destroyed by fire.

    Knowing that heaven and earth will pass away gives us perspective in life. This world is not our permanent home. โ€œWe are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwellsโ€ (2 Peter 3:13). Jesus tells us to have the proper priorities: โ€œDo not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. . . . But store up for yourselves treasures in heavenโ€ (Matthew 6:19โ€“20). And Peter, after reminding us of the temporary nature of this world, says, โ€œDear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with himโ€ (2 Peter 3:14).The Hebrew Bible consistently warns us that this world will not last forever. โ€œHeaven and earth will pass away,โ€ Jesus said in Matthew 24:35. His statement was in the context of end timesโ€™ prophecies and the eternal nature of Jesusโ€™ words: โ€œMy words will never pass away.โ€ This means that trusting Jesus is wiser than trusting anything in this world.

  3. one of the best episode….
    I personally believe that I am living in a simulation.. at the same time I am Christian and religious.

  4. I'll leave you guys with one of the coolest lucid dreams i've ever had. First, to those who don't know what a lucid dream is, its a dream where you are fully conscious and can move around in the dream world, which looks almost as real as the reality itself. In my lucid dream, i woke up and suddenly became conscious. I couldn't see anything, but i could hear some noises. Someone walked up to me and started talking to me. He told me that i had suffered a terrible accident, and i was being kept on life support whilst my body was taking its time to heal. He told me that he isn't supposed to talk to me or make me aware that what i'm experiencing now, in that hospital bed, is my true reality, and whenever i wake up, i'm actually put into a simulation, to keep my brain healthy. It was like an artificial coma that keeps the mind working. He then explained that what they are doing to me is an experiment using a VR system that was originally developed for prison inmates. He explained that prisoners are kept in VR and rehabilitated in a safe environment, where everything they do can be monitored, and once they are decent enough in the simulated world, are they allowed to leave the prison. When you think about it, its quite an ingenious way to deal with prisoners, if such a system were an option. You let the prisoner live out his life on an accelerated pace and see if they remained a good person.
    Now, to address the last question, god vs simulation theory – there is no hypocricy here. The god that people believe in, is not really a god. Its a book character with falsifiable and ridiculous claims. If people believed in a vague deistic god, then fine….that would be on par with simulation theory. Simulation theory itself is very reasonable.

  5. I like how people quote Elon Musk.. literally no experience at anything except being a silver spoon mamas boy. Why would anyone ask him scientific questions???

  6. biological can crate digital simulation but also advanced digital can create biological beings in a digital simulation
    i dunno but this precise environment for life to grow is questionable !

  7. Big bang theory is in question since they found ealry large galaxy that impossible to formed just few million years after big bang.

  8. Einsteins entanglement theory alone proves that quantum theory is fallible. Its the science of not truly knowing why things happen the way they do but observing and trying to figure it out, despite knowing its impossible.

  9. Hasnt anyone ever considered, that if particles appear to behave differently when observed, pergaps they're behaving unlike we assume with our formulae and theories when they arent observed, as well? Or that our formulas are merely averages? Maybe we are even thinking about the whole idea all wrong. Maybe things behave more randomly than we care to admit.

  10. The particles don't know they are being observed. It has nothing to do with consciousness. Measurement is a more appropriate word than observation and always requires some form of interaction at the quantum scale. It is that physical interaction that the electrons respond to and change state.

  11. Imagine that the computer doesn't have to power every sibgle human simulated brain at once. Just turn on a pilot mode switch for when we don't need to use it. Maybe they put a max brain usage cap, and that's why we only can use x % of our brain capabilities…. Why am I so intrigued by this now. Holy fuck

  12. I'd just expect reality to break in demonstrable ways a lot more convincingly than it does currently for me to take this theory seriously.

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