This couple has 23 birds in their home. They need Antonio’s help to improve their living conditions and make them happy.
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I am looking for a dome te build my Amazon. Where can i find more information on the Dome? Where does it come from? And yes… it would have been great to see them flyinng around the outside aviary 🙂
Omg, love you guy. Amazing job this is like a dream for birds and all
Plz upload full video. I wanted to see them fly around…
Esse era bom demais 😂😂😂❤
Para Antonio ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Am I the only one still watching in 2023?
So nice!!! … If i have much money… I will make the same like this😍
If you give them
Fresh Grass,. Wood Stick. Not poised
They play and not destroy. Anything
"Are you kidding me?!" Idk why it made me laugh
❤️ ILoveyouAntonioBallatore ❤️
I need you guys to come do for my macaws too please 🙂
This couple particularly reminds me of the duo from Rio
OH MY GOD! I would absolutely love this for all of my birds! Maybe one day god will help me get something done like this 🥺❤️
I wanna see the birds fly around more.
I see so many problems with this setup
Jusg put an indominus rex toy beside the aviary and you made a jurassic world scene
The bird saying it likes it’s new habitat is so cute it made my day
Amazing 👏 job…super
does anyone know what those wall mounts for the branches are called or where to find them? want those for our aviary. thanks!
All job is cool 🙂
Wow. Nice 👌
I would love to see the birds flying in that dome.
Sometimes I hate humans, but then a video like this reminds me why we are actually kinda cute and sweet.
You should not use concrete for a room with birds
Anyone know how long they took for the project? one second they’re laying concrete, next second it’s set and decorated?
Looks cool
Too bad the birds are being fed what appears to be a seed mix. Other than that, great aviary
Are you kidding me?!
The bird house looks better than my house.
Okay, at 5:50, I’m crying because you know those birds are going to love this.
Yayyyyy bird jail!!!!!
Needs more plants
I want that dome BUT BIGGER
everybody gangsta til a mini helicopter crashes at the aviary dome
Do they actually do this for FREE?!?!?!?!?!
Awww there should’ve been more of the birds reaction But this was amazing!!
Are you kidding me?!
Spraying concrete and not wearing a mask lol
A animal that flys miles in a day confined to a small space . Looks so hood
Imagine how free and happy the birds will be if you let them free
Was that an LSU tiger blanket??
Do you like it? 🦜🦜🦜 Yes yes i love it ….
Aww soo cutee😍😍😍
I got goosebumps when the birds were "given" flight.
thats awesome
And later both daughter and mom had some bang bang