Fake tough guys get exposed episode #20 EXTRA CONTENT https://linktr.ee/arakotv IMPORTANT – IF YOU WOULD …
Fake tough guys get exposed episode #20 EXTRA CONTENT https://linktr.ee/arakotv IMPORTANT – IF YOU WOULD …
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That old man is the weakest baki character
Nah what happened to marshawn lynch why he picking on ppl in boxing gyms now 😂😂
On the last one that he commented on, that's still sparring. There is such a thing as "goin all out" and "sparring at 100%".
When you go all out, you give the same amount of effort, energy, and movement as you would in a real fight. You're just not hitting with full force. So you're using 100% effort but not 100% power.
Sparring at 100% means you're giving 100% effort AND 100% power! So, to anyone who DOESN'T know better, it looks like a real fight or like they're mad at each other, when they're perfectly fine.
Dudes that big punches that slow with no power how tf is that even possible
Perps can never fight lol
That young guy obviously didn't want to punch an old man in the face but he should have done it considering what he did to him, if you think that old man ex boxing champion or not would stand any chance at all against that guy if he went all in then you're out of your mind. Sometimes being respectful is not the right choice
nigga we dont need comintation
Will never understand these dudes… Hell my coach as old as he is would drop these cocky bastards.
That old man's punch was solid, you could clearly hear impact.
the first dude in the video probably skipping leg day
Rest in piece
We need some videos of 50 year old fat dudes challenging 20-30 somethings to fights and getting whooped. Happens so fucking often. Middle aged dudes trying to prove something and then end up getting beat down in front of their wives lmao
Where's charlie zelonoff 😂!
That's why on every battle of every martial arts genre, there are weight divisions.
An ant with strength 10 times its body weight cannot hurt another ant twice its size.
The old man👏👏👏
When will these dumb motherfuckers learn. Don’t come into and mma, ju-jitsu or boxing gym and offer people out. Dickheads
He realized he was already tired.
The scariest thing for a fighter is when you realize youre tired and the other dude is not.
That guys f-ed around and felt the fear of god in his stomach
Yeah once that dude dodged the Jab like that, I knew bro was an avengers level threat at 86
The black dude with the smaller fighter stopping in the middle of the round is a big no no in the gym. You take your fucking licks until the round is over, we don’t care that you are tired.
Man as the smallest guy in any sort of training room or training gym I ever went to, I would pray for random people off the street to try to fuck with me.
But now I'm older and MMA is very, very popular, so my opinions changed.
Brain just did a hard rest like my windows 95 PC . Also was waiting to get back online like my dial up connection running AOL 3.0 buddy lit back on like my buddy list door 🚪 opening back online
On the very dark side of social media, THIS is a great use of it! Gym etiquette + Respect, can get you both out of a beating or into a serious ass kicking. Should go without saying, as Dude said, You don't walk into an unknown (or even known for that matter) Wanting to be the top dawg.
7:12 that was a total annihilation. Mans stood no chance 😂😭
1:40 bros ass is sticking out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Boxers have the most fragile egos
3:34 most zesty ahh figter ever💀💀💀
Cus damato still had that dog in him
The commentating ruins it ngl
It is all about fast twitch muscles in a boxing fight. Street fight is different tho everything can fly in those that's why I never do those lmao
Im a big guy myself, but there is no way im challenging a trained boxer/MMA fighter!
Mos Def though
Glenn is good at boxing
Asian guy dislocated his right shoulder lol