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That peaceful music that played for the final had me so confused 😂😂
Yall should low key get sum judges cause the crowd gonna vote with emotion
If black shirt had better stamina, I’m betting on bro.
I’ve been boxing for about 10 years off and on and I’ll definitely say in my opinion the guy in the back won easily by far.
Bro in black thought he was ben whittaker
Nah bruh dude in orange landed the cleaner shots! Dude in black was just throwing wild and didn’t really land. Orange looked more fundamental and landed counters. Kinda dumb that they split the money.
Orange won but good fight
The guy in orange had class! He's prob has amateur fights prob almost pro!
RIP my nigga Johan , Dow park legend
The light skin brotha smothers his own punches, he needs to keep distance to get extension on his punches, it looks like he has power, but smothers himself when he's rushing in. Helluva fighter, both of them.
Pitbull got robbed good fight tho, also where's Ed's big scared ass lol
orange connected more
You should do girls boxing
Orange took that if you a boxer you would know the dude in black is strong and explosive but most of his shots were blocked
How do u participate?
The guy in the black needs to do legs 😂
This in rock hill ?
They all some ass none them can box.
orange won dude in black just threw crazy but if it was judged by clean punches and points Orange all day!!
I think black took the last round he connected on more punches but it was a great fight both fighters did their thing.
Bruh Rey showing love to los toxicos with that 🔥 hat 🫡
That boy in orange got mad skills he def should've won
draw between orange nd black ngl
My nephew Anthony won that last fight!
The black guy won stop bullshiting
Ok but what’s Orange’s ig
Orange tee is a better boxer, black tee is more a slugger.
Rey ngl bruh you underestimating yourself, seems like you are a good boxer bro, just gotta get your stamina up