PBR Bucking Bulls give you wings! Catch PBR Teams at an Arena Near You: http://bit.ly/2Hdw2GU Are you ready to ride?
PBR Bucking Bulls give you wings! Catch PBR Teams at an Arena Near You: http://bit.ly/2Hdw2GU Are you ready to ride?
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@0:16 lmaoo i was dying😂😂 he went flying
like mommy said … don't play with the food …
I don’t know if their still called clowns but dang those dude’s are stud’s no hesitations to take the hit for the rider squared away gentlemen 🤙🏼
now i understand my mom say i shouldnt play around bulls theyll knock me right out the park 💀
04:20 WOOOW!!! 😂😂😂
They need to have a flying certificate and a transponder if they want to continue practicing that sport!
The Spanish Vaquero is the foundation of the cowboy 🤠
Politicians in ring would be the most loved show in America.
Wearing a helmet and mask and the rider still gets knocked out, the power of these animals is incredible
Hard to believe people are still stupid enough to ride bulls after the death of lane Frost
I hope those bulls were ok 😂
very epic!!1!
This sounds corny, but I straight up got emotional at 2:27. The bullfighter "clown" guy literally went head-on with a bull to protect a bullrider on the floor. I can't think of anything more badass than that. Respect
Настоящие ковбои
The cowboys “I believe I can flyyyyy I believe I can touch that the skyyyyyy 🎵🎵🎵🎵”
my goodness i have never seen this before, they are just ragdolling 8 feet in the air
l es mecs vous êtes courageux et inconscients! AUCUN RESPECT pour votre corps ! Ne venez pas vous plaindre après……….!
They all be flying like a bag of old of chips 😂… those Bulls don’t take no bull from no body😂
This is so funny 🤣🤣🤣 by the way what makes the bull so angry, is it because there someone sitting on its back?
To say this is a tuff way to make a buck, would be an understatement.
I root for the bull every time.
The helmet face guard and bulletproof vest probably saved many lives not like the old days
When i think of footballers rolling around because someone touched them 🙂
If these bulls come to know their power, strength and energy…they will surely be the next Presidential candidates.😂😂
I've spent a lot of time on horseback in my younger days, been to a lot of rodeos and always enjoyed bull riding, but there ain't enough money to get me on one of those bovines.