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simonyzfr1 – https://youtu.be/T3pige8tJ68
NonekingADV – https://youtu.be/0h82g3UnSyE
BillyJack – https://youtu.be/Og18ZpZ–r4
Mike Bruns – https://youtu.be/uvOO-T-UOwE
Belzar – https://youtu.be/jFnuMEQhNzI
Dubble OweSeven – https://youtu.be/2OLTwKNEhzg
BM rulez! – https://youtu.be/q37X1q9vVI8
BroNizzle Rabble – https://youtu.be/PvV8kwkZUUs
Roots of Eden – https://youtu.be/5WFauYMim6Q
ALBIN – https://www.youtube.com/@albin941/videos
BroNizzle Rabble – https://youtu.be/KnMu7QK5QeE
MotoJim – https://youtu.be/ZQGeLSUQJak
SEB G – https://youtu.be/2drh07WcU2c
P’Boss Over_horizon – https://youtu.be/CLfL0qlvydA
Bill Gawarkiewicz – https://youtu.be/OUHNISXAacA
MrDode – https://youtu.be/YkA31THAJPc
Wherescam1 – https://youtu.be/5JaeJGjS04Y
MisterMotoMan – https://youtu.be/NJzF7vcOOyA
zord.333 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpP-_17brk2qMkUURqTZJ3g/videos
Shaggy 805 – https://youtu.be/-OmXn6O54e8
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Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational
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This heat is crazy)
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Unbelievable….near death? Hyperbole again…..
The advertisement interruption today was just as the biker almost collided with the white car coming the other way. I do believe I said a bad word or two, waited for ad to finish and back the clip up again.
Is anyone surprised that most of the clips involved motorcycles? I'm not.
Every time I even think about getting a motorcycle, I watch a video like this. I have saved a lot of money that way!
Sugiero que para no tener mal olor en las axilas, la solución es no usar ropa que contengan fibras sintéticas. Usar solo ropa de algodón y para abrigo, usar ropa de lana pura. Así solucioné mi mal olor en las axilas para siempre.
All the Ladas said "nada" on that ice.
Why did the guy on the motorcycle turn around, pull a wheelie, and go back? What's the point? If you wanted to prove your superiority, you lost it with the illegal u-turn and wheelie. You're no better than the other idiot on his phone.
7:25 guy barely slowed down, he's lucky a third, forth or fifth deer didn't jump out in front of him. Two of my friends have been hospitalized for deer/car collisions, one for 4 months when it came through the windshield.
I can't imagine the damage it would do to a bike/biker at even 40mph.
59 seconds in and a forced advert, didn’t watch any further after
Pro Driving Tip: the horn cannot time travel.
Help support this channel by always posting 7 words.
super !! really like this video. salam from Bali indonesia. see you
MOST people are too dumb to be motorcyclists.
Привет 🇺🇸Америка
I don't know who narrate these videos, but he has one sexy voice. 😊😊❤❤❤
#1 video is on Interstate I-80 in wyoming, and is literally one of the deadliest stretches of Highway during the winter. The three sisters, is insane for bad accidents. At least one multi car pile up every winter. And buy multi car I mean 20 plus vehicles
1:35 That's object fixation. Rider was in the turn and locked eyes on the truck instead of looking through the curve.
It’s always the bikers, riding too fast and aggressive and yelling at other vehicles when the bikes hide in the car, Blindspot. I know not to do that in my car.
Hi ….!!!! Watching from the Philippines
McQueen is the dumbest overpaid twit
Dumb cops on YouTube award
3:33 If it werent for the white suv paying attention to his surroundings, those guys would have been toast.
5th comment
1 video Epic 😎
I swear Amazon just hires any moron
Hi sergey!