The Sopranos: Tony’s Kills

The Sopranos: Tony's Kills
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All of Tony Soprano’s murders from the HBO show “The Sopranos.” NOT in chronological order:
1. Tony Blundetto
2. Chucky Signore
3. Matthew Bevilaqua
4. Salvatore “Big Pussy” Bonpensiero
5. Ralph Cifaretto
6. Fabian “Febby” Petrulio
7. Christopher Moltisanti


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About the Author: Richard S. Dargan


  1. After what he did to poor Tracee, her unborn child and Pie-O-My, Cifaretto's comeuppance was loooooong overdue. I don't generally get emotionally invested in works of fiction, but I must admit to a little fist-pump when Tony gave him what he was due.

  2. Most unrealistic thing that ever happened in the show was Tony sneaking up on the Rat in the woods with some choke wires like hes Hitman, only varsity athletes are capable of that feat.

  3. Tony winning the fight with Ralph after taking a can of Black Flag Raid to the eyeballs was the most unrealistic thing in this entire show. 😂

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