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About the Author: Bestfights247


  1. It's completely fake, I don't need to watch all this to see how fake it is.. Ben is tapping him on the floor, just before they go to the floor the other lad taps Ben in the stomach.. Making a complete joke of himself and a mockery of the fight game.. Ur meant to be a fighter not a comedian 😂😂😂😂ud be a much better comedian in my mind anyway as U can't fight for sht

  2. Some people.are dumb..clearly not a fake fight , the guy caught ben clean and let him back up , but cause ben is such a pussu he wanted to keep it to the ground. He has hands of a child. Gangster wana be ass

  3. No-one throws a body shot before headshot in a street fight haha 😂
    Wen Ben threw second haymaker lad already coveted up like he was done…
    I'd say that was a bit sus

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