From a creepy video that might show paranormal activity in a haunted house to scary footage of 3 women bathing in a river, we look at creepy videos on the internet that shouldn’t exist. #Creepy #Scary #SlappedHam
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7. Unknown https://www.tiktok.com/@goodgamebro54/video/7246558222222462250
6. Where that forth guy came from… https://www.facebook.com/reel/483110440895772
5. … objects# 👻 https://www.tiktok.com/@lonniebond7/video/6981796541463809286
4. သရဲခြောက်တာ ကြမ်းချက် 🔥🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KumKNDsmjhM
3. **REAL** POLTERGEIST FOOTAGE (CHECK OUT OUR LATEST VIDEO 😬) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yR8XaOI5rY
**WARNING** Poltergeist Activity Documented (Increased Activity) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC–WpxGHE0
**WARNING** REAL POLTERGEIST FOOTAGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKqLnanLu7U
2. 【心霊&恐怖映像】ネットで話題になった背筋が凍る怖い映像…6選 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt0s4TsOMXI
1. LAC Colombia Flight 028 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAC_Colombia_Flight_028
TIL that in 1996, the captain and flight engineer of a colombian cargo flight decided to prank their novice first officer… https://www.reddit.com/r/CreepyWikipedia/comments/1dbfbhz/til_that_in_1996_the_captain_and_flight_engineer/
Night Swap
By Bill Ferngren
Arbitrary Treatment
By Prozody
Abandoned Wires
By Hawea
By Bonnie Grace
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
WATCH THE WESTALL UFO MYSTERY: https://youtu.be/HD6S3eSsvRc?si=s-2X1S44z653z0Js
The ill conceived airplane prank horrified me to my core.
That's not a knee it has hair, so maybe the Ghost just wanted to join in
Imagine being blasted out of your mind. In fact, you are so wasted that you end up at a whole different house, in a whole different part of the city. You try everything to get in your house to no avail. So you say hell with it and leave. A year later, you're sitting at home chillin', watching YT. Slapped Ham comes on….and it's YOU!! 🥴😂😮😂😮😵
Then why are you showing it?
4:40 -hold on let bro cook 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥
No. 3 is definitely the knee orf the third woman…
I think the old woman is suffering from dementia
WOoo that's a ghost 👻 in cooking dude 😅🎉🎉🎉😊
That's a thief…😁
police may know her 2 fake 3 balance 4 too good to be true 5 fake 6 foot splashing but seems planned 7 shocking
kitchen ghost. every time it begins to move…. he shakes the camera
That woman who obviously has issues is ancient and hardly a paranormal subject, this channel really is starting to get desperate for material.
14mins , that bit was dhit……..lol.. ( nah love ya ;).)
Dumbest thing I’ve seen on YouTube since March.
Macklesfield ewe-kay? Uk consists of four different countries, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and negland. Macklesfield is in negland mr roundy-uppy. What's next? Berlin, Europe? Paris, Northern hemisphere? Oslo, planet earth? Sydney, Milky Way galaxy? Vagueness is amateurish and cringe worthy. Name the precise country or leave it out. 😒
Doing a "prank" while flying a plane is wild!!!!!!!
The second clip, of the broom falling, there's a saying, "when a broom falls, it means company is coming".
9:34 I watched it over and over again. Maybe it's just the face of one of the women coming back towards the camera. I think she's the girl on the very right of us (left for them). But oh no the plane prank is really sickening me 😠😭
The 4th runner, leaves me really baffled! Unless it's a good trick of technology, but it seems like an old video to me. And the haunted kitchen, what?! 😮. Im a sceptic believer, but this is real stuff to think about prove! This is beyond all physics we know about. Residual energy, seems legit to me. And Kallen, i want to thank you a lot for this very hard work for us to enjoy possible evidence. I watch with a lot of interest and pleasure! ✌
I think the video about the I'll conceived prank, was the flight crew trying to actually commit harakiri
He didn’t look very startled by the broom falling to me 🙄
Its her knee 😂😂😂
First one is clearly someone who is drunk and high in some way at the wrong house
8:40 ITS A KNEE!!!!!
Thats a knee not a face
Am I the only one that notices the flashing blue light next to the lamps at 7:15
That’s absolutely unquestionably her knee. It’s in the exact same place. Feel like that was added to the list for engagement
In the video where you can see the fourth Runner appear it's just kind of weird because her shorts go from Gray to White also
11:40 Some how I don't believe that a capiton of an airline would shut down engine so close to the ground. All piolets know that the higher you are the more time to have to figure out how to solve a problem. But if you are close to the ground it's over.
For the Broom – I'd say that it wasn't put up just right and finally gave way to its weight or how it was leaning and fell. That happens to me when I do that and lay something down and it does the same meaning it just falls. Easy. The 3rd one, I'm guessing demonic activity.
And @4:40 that is NOT a poltergeist, naw it is just a buildup of BACTERIA and pathogens inside that Chinese restaurant’s kitchen. Lmfao!
@2:45 the closest bend to the position of the camera is where you can see the runner’s leg first. All this is, is just an optical illusion where the closer runner and the hidden runner are literally running in stride and you can only see it once the angle the camera captured has changed slightly. Pause it @2:45 and look at the legs.
@1:07 this clown nose look? What is it a new meth head trend or sumshyt?
In the fourth runner video I'm more perplexed by why a man was running in a women's race?
2:48 dude was so quick the camera couldn’t even keep up
First clip: Welcome to Fentanyl-World 😢
Well she looks messed up on drugs
No1,the zoom in with the key,I thought was a gun😛
He had no business being a captain. What a shame.
Why do you claim they shouldn't exist? Who gives you that authority?
It is obviously a d clearly jer knee it doesn't look like anything but a knee. You playing along for the vid proves your honesty. No more for me
First one i feel she was heavily drunk and entered someone else's home instead of her's.And she looks injured too.Like someone punched her.
How would they move kitchen items
The race one how does no one els running or watching notice guy appear?and yes it’s knee of girl in water duh obviously
She drunk at wrong house maybe?1:32 that’s a mini gun lol
The woman might have thought it was her house.