She Saw Multiple Planets During Her NDE | Near Death

She Saw Multiple Planets During Her NDE | Near Death
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Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at

Check out my book: Heaven Awaits: Unveiling the Mysteries and Transformative Power of Near Death Experiences on Amazion!

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For more NDE narrations, please see below.

NDE Playlist:

I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE

#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2021#heavenawaits


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About the Author: Heaven Awaits


  1. I appreciate your videos & narrations. Could I request that you give a warning if extreme abuse will be described in the narration? Some of the things in this really disturbed me and I would have liked a heads up they were coming.

  2. I came across these videos because my boy asked why he felt like this place isnt home. It instantly gave me a flashback of an experience i had when i was his age. Neither of us remember details but we both KNOW this place isnt home. It kicked off a spiritual journey. These videos just feel right. I wish everyone would see them and remember

  3. I want to thank you for sharing these experiences with all of us. I had helped me tremendously in my understanding of how things really are. Please continue this wonderful work.

  4. It is a good explanation of why we are on earth and why most of us have to go through suffering. It makes sense. After hearing this we just have to be courageous and loving. We have no other choice while we are here. When we go on the other side we will experience our expanded consciousness and be one with the universe and its Source, in peace and with eternal unconditional love.

  5. I noticed some other channels that seem to be also voiced by Leigh here. I thought Leigh has another channel. Or were those videos stolen from this channel? I dunno.

  6. This vid again challenges Christians' beliefs which have been contained in neat theological packages. Outside of those experiences directly contradicting the logic of God, many experiences prompt us Christians to question if the ideas taught us are too simple, too small. Maybe Jesus' hints about the afterlife were very small suggestions of what is infinitely greater?

  7. Though I am certain you've read it countless times before, I feel compelled to thank you for this BLESSED channel Leigh! I am one of what I am certain is a sea of souls you and your channel has touched for the better. God used your channel and content to "find" me. TY Leigh

  8. The mind is a terrible thing to waste even though our minds are very intelligent, they basically only comprehend the things we view throughout life and that's our reality we see. We have that choice to do good or bad and God will never Force anyone into the Heavenly world of Greater understanding. We have that choice and we all have to deal with the evilness of people. I often wondered how you really become that Evil 2 strangle someone helpless or abused children. Only thing I can think of is you must be possessed with a evil spirit and there is a lot of people walk around with another Spirit besides their own maybe several. So far I haven't got to listen to yet to a story where they see evil spirits going into people when they are invited Christ and the 12s cast out a lot of unclean spirits during his ministry.
    We are born with the gift of knowing right from wrong. Thank you Lee for making these videos possible only to enlighten the rest of us so we can gain the greater knowledge after our last breath here. I believe it causes each of us to have greater compassion and love for those who have been abused. If we only knew how many children are abused and killed every day, I believe our hearts would not be able to take the pain. I thank God we don't have that gift of knowing how many people are abused every day. I believe it is needful for all of us to pray more for those who are abused physically and mentally because it helps mankind Tiffany more loving. I believe that after our last breath we will finally realize what our prayers really done for the whole universe and those who we prayed for and that will bring us much more joy in the Life to Come,

  9. Immediately when i heard the beginning i realized it was Sandy T, i see her on Reddit allot and read her story on the NDE website

  10. How great this channel is that helps us, heals us and gives hope to all who come to it with an open mind. I send blessings to all who read this and seek the love of God. Amen

    Lee, you are a messenger of God.

  11. This is a beautiful story. It's made a beautiful book. This person should consider to write down this story ❤. Even that they post ed as a science fiction ✨️

  12. The logic from this NDE is unsound, namely it violates the principle of non-contradiction. In the context of theological and philosophical discourse, it asserts that God's nature cannot involve contradictions, as this would violate the fundamental principle that something cannot both be and not be at the same time and in the same respect. This principle is foundational in classical logic and is used to argue that God's attributes must be coherent and logically consistent. An example asking if God can create a stone that he cannot lift involves contradictory premises and underscores a misunderstanding of omnipotence. Omnipotence does not entail the power to do the logically impossible (i.e. create logically incoherent scenarios from nonsensical use of words). Likewise, speaking of God as not being bounded by the unlimited thus must become limited runs a similar logical fallacy in my omnipotence example.

  13. The answer they were given makes so much sense and I am eternally grateful that they shared their NDEs though it seemed to be very difficult for them. How wonderous and beautiful we are. And to think, I was having a bad day until now 🙂

  14. To punchable face commentor… It is hard when you get to a place where you believe that God can only be one thing at least you have gotten to that point to see that there is something beyond us that is going on here… But if the story just stops at Jesus Christ what happens to the folks that believe in Allah… To those who are Buddhist… When you don't see the full picture of what's going on for a long time. The universe is much bigger than that. Are we really so shallow to believe God only chose one people…all people are worthy and we all get to sit at the table

  15. I remember this NDE it is beautiful! I finally understood, and it was not difficult. And i got some associations to ; The never ending story, a movie i loved in my youth!

  16. Beautiful and unique NDE. Very interesting as to what we are and where we come from and why we are here. Makes si much sence compared to all the other NDE's. It's another part of the puzzle. ❤😊

  17. I listen to all your videos, Leigh. This is one of my favorite. My mind will be busy going over and over what this person shared. If she sees the comments here, Thank you so much for sharing the horror of what you went through growing up and the magnificence of what you saw and experienced.

  18. What about Jesus Christ?? God knows what it's like to be human cause he was human. This channel must not believe in Jesus Christ. Before you come to the Father, you must first know the Son. Do you????

  19. At the beginning of this video, in her description of God she said, "it was thick and heavy and had a literal, physical presence. It had weight, presence, and form." I like that.
    The word translated in the bible as God's "glory" comes from the Hebrew word, "kavod," which literally meant weight, or heaviness, or importance. That got translated into old Greek as "doxa," which can mean things like importance, splendor, and radiance. Doxa then got translated into middle English as "glory." But what it really means is what this girl described – a literal attribute of presence and form and weight.
    The explanation of our relationship to/with God at the end, starting at around the 20 minute mark is absolutely extraordinary.

  20. I remember this one from before but it's good to hear it again to remind us of why we chose to come here!
    BTW seeing your video today just reminded me that your book is out and i can't wait to order and read it!!! 😊

  21. I needed this lift today, thank You Leigh!
    It is horrific, the torture this girl went through at 8 years old. I hear this and am ashamed at what I call difficulties in my life which, in no way bear anything near the weight of what this little girl went through. But then, she got to see the magnificence of what is to come! How extremely blessed and what a gift our Great God gave her! Towards the end of this, she speaks of the reason for our existence. This is very interesting and thought provoking.

  22. A very unique and fascinating report! How sad to hear what this little girl experienced on earth, and to hear the reason why we have life will take more thought and contemplation. Thank you for sharing your wondrous NDE.

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