Top 15 Scary Videos The Internet Cannot Comprehend

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Get set for horrors far worse than any nightmare you ever had…
In this spine-tingling collection, brace yourself for a descent into the raw, primal fear that lurks beyond human understanding! What I bring you today will rip open the veil between reality and the horrifying unknown, leaving behind a chilling question: can the unthinkable truly be real? Because these are glimpses into a darkness that shouldn’t exist. Prepare to be unsettled. Prepare to question everything. Here are the top 15 scary videos the internet cannot comprehend!

Seriously, these creepy and scary videos are gateways to your forgotten nightmares. Each clip on this list is a harrowing waltz with the spooky unknown, a glimpse into a chilling dimension that defies rationality and sanity alike. What you’re about to watch won’t just make your hair stand on end, it’ll plant seeds of existential dread in the deepest, darkest corners of your mind!

This isn’t entertainment — it’s a freefall into the depths of fear that will shatter your comfort zone and leave you questioning the very fabric of reality. The more you watch, the more the line blurs between what you thought you knew and the unsettling truth lurking in the shadows — a truth that’ll threaten to crack the very foundations of your perception! Brace yourself for a chilling tapestry woven from the bizarre, the scary, and the downright nightmarish!

So, are you ready for nights riddled with paranoia and lingering unease? Because these scary videos are here to haunt your waking hours and leave you dreading the dark for weeks to come! Once you’ve witnessed the nerve-shattering tales within these clips, every creak of the floorboard, every shadow in the dark, and every whisper of the wind will become a chilling echo of the sinister. Brace yourself for a sleepless stretch ahead, where sheer fear will cling to you like a shroud, leaving you adrift in a sea of unease… all courtesy of the horrors awaiting you in this countdown.

Perhaps it’s the glimmer of the horrifying unknown peeking through the cracks that makes these scary videos so frightening. Or perhaps it’s the possibility that you’ll unravel the truths festering in the shadows for so long. Whatever the reason, these eerie clips and scary videos will claw at the edges of your sanity, leaving a gnawing dread that’ll burrow deep within. The inexplicable horrors waiting to be unleashed in this list will shatter your sense of security, forcing you to confront the unsettling possibility: what if the world we know is just a fragile illusion?

So, tread carefully. And yes, it applies to even the seasoned horror aficionados — this collection of nightmares isn’t for the faint of heart! These glimpses into the abyss might just rewrite your definition of terrifying! Proceed only if you crave a chilling descent into the unknown, a brush with the unsettling truths that lurk in the shadows. And remember, there’s no shame in looking away if the chills get overwhelming!

Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!


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Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Entry Timestamps:
0:00 Number 15
1:48 Number 14
4:48 Number 13
7:51 Number 12
10:08 Number 11
15:19 Number 10
19:03 Number 9
23:36 Number 8
25:59 Number 7
28:28 Number 6
31:55 Number 5
33:51 Number 4
35:41 Number 3
37:22 Number 2
39:44 Number 1

The content analyzed in this list, including all videos, graphics, and other materials, is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. All information, accounts, and discussions about topics and/or cases are based on publicly available records and sources. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content presented, the channel owner, contributors, and producers cannot guarantee the validity, completeness, or currentness of the content. The commentary and opinions expressed in this video do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the channel owner, contributors, or producers. Viewers are encouraged to seek out primary sources, conduct their own research, and draw independent conclusions.


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About the Author: Top15s


  1. I thought that Gaz was the weirdo when it started! I thought he might be planning to eat Martin for dinner.. I bet Gaz is a great guy and tons of fun at the bar! But he seemed a bit unhinged at first! 😅😂

  2. Maybe next time we're supposed to be listening for a sound in the video, you can stop the suspenseful piano music for 5 seconds?

  3. So are we suppose to not ask why in number 15 they keep playing the video where the girl is yanked on the left then switch it to have the girl being yanked to the right as a mirror image of the last one?

    I believe in ghost and demons. But why the heck the person filming them watching the footage keep playing the footage like that? Or somehow switch it up to show the video in mirror version of before?

  4. At 15:50 time stamp what is that HUGE flying critter that goes from left to right on top of the left structure. If thats a bird it is a monster sized one. Hate to imagine what it’s doing amongst all those bodies. 😮 any one else see it?

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