50 Insane Facts About Death You Didn’t Know

50 Insane Facts About Death You Didn't Know
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Death waits for no one, and in today’s insane new video about dying, we’re going to give you 50 crazy facts about death, some are sad, and some are really weird, but we guarantee you will learn something new about the one thing we all have to face someday.

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About the Author: The Infographics Show


  1. My mom passed away suddenly about two weeks ago. We had been spending so much more time together than normal before she passed and while I'm always going to be grateful for that i just wish I could've asked her more about her life, what she had to do for my sister and I as a single mother, and so much more. I miss her so much I'm literally crying while I type this but I just hope she knew how much i loved her.

  2. At 0:06, the narrator says that "death is an absolute for almost every living thing." So, by that statement, is he saying that some creatures have immortality? And if so, I would like to know which creatures do not die!

  3. My thoughts on this subject are: Live life to the fullest every day, and if there IS an afterlife, then consider that a BONUS! 🙂

  4. Lost my wife april 26 2024
    We were high-school sweethearts and married 32 yrs
    This is the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with
    I am glad that i was with her when she took her last breath because she wasn't scared and wasn't in pain
    Im thankful for the time i had with her and i miss her terribly
    Love you Tiff

  5. Number 21 leading a loved one grow into a tree is a grate idea untill something happens to the tree.. like maybe people cut it down or natural disasters.. someone starts a massive wild fire.. the tree gets infected with a tree disease or insects.. that last part falls under natural disaster

  6. I would love to have a Sky Burial, it just seems so right for me.
    I get an enormous amount of peace thinking about it. It doesn’t feel macabre at all.
    It’s in my will as first choice, 2nd choice is burial at sea and 3rd is the tree, but I would be so happy knowing that my body was beneficial to nature and hungry animals. I don’t want to be burned or be put in a watery muddy grave!

  7. He was only 38 years old when my brother overdosed on drugs. Gosh I need him so much he was always protecting me even though he struggled with mental illness and addiction for years. Rip I love you Brendan! Until we meet again

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