How the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump Unfolded | WSJ News

How the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump Unfolded | WSJ News
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Spectators warned police about a man with a gun as suspected gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks prepared to assassinate former President Donald Trump from a rooftop less than 450 feet from the rally stage. Photo illustration: Adam Falk

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  1. Идет Съезд народных депутатов. Из последнего ряда к президиуму пролезает мужчина:

    — Товарищи, расступитесь, мне не видно…

    — Вам дать бинокль?

    — Нет, спасибо, у меня с оптическим…

  2. Seems like those staged rumours are not true from watching this one!
    Still think US could do with a triple hearted three eye coloured female group for presidential rule from the next election. The world has never been so much in need of some mothering, no disrespect to Biden or Trump. America could probably do with some mothering as much as anywhere especially when it comes to fighting Climate Change and Species Extinction with some Americans being very consumptive. Never been female rule in US and never been triple eye coloured balanced rule anywhere. If there were a time for some new thinking maybe it is now!
    💚🤎💙❌ 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇺🇳❌?❌

  3. 日本警察のSPにこの俊敏さを学んでほしいね

  4. PLEASE tell me how TRUMP puts his right hand over his ear after supposedly being grazed but his hand is clean and blood 🩸 free when he raises his fist and waves??

  5. If you think for one second that these people are this inept at doing their job, you my friend are very naive. Something went on here that we will never be told the truth about.

  6. Думаю там было два стрелка, один подставной, которого убили и один настоящий, который ушел, подставного стрелка напугал сотрудник полиции и он начал стрелять не в то время, сломав весь план.

  7. hmm the narrative is that the 20-year-old guy shot 3 times at Trump, then Trump went down, then the 20 old year old guy shot 5 fast consecutive times in the crowd (and killed one and injured 2 people in the crowd) and then the Secret Service sniper shot 1 time and killed him. Then on your video it shows that the Secret Service sniper shot those 3 first times and then Trump went down? It doesn't add up…

  8. Это рук дела ,Байдена кому он нужен кроме него, Трамп конкурент на выборе байдену хочет убрать

  9. Теперь обнаружили человека на вожрнапорнрй башне. Когда начнут об этом говорить? Там-то точно профессионал

  10. I took a screen shot of her going into the rally and she has changed her appearance at some point the screen shot I have she wearing a red maga hat and has her hair covering her shoulders… seriously she needs to be checked out! Her actions are very strange… If anybody can find a video of her going in you'll see how she changed her appearance… from coming in and when she get to her place here

  11. If you're going to dictate what "happened" you should at least use FACTS instead of your FAKE narrative! Trump was NOT taken down by agents! Trump actually saved HIS OWN LIFE and went down ON HIS OWN, only then did the agents jump on stage and covered him! They did a HORRIBLE job at protecting Trump, even when the were trying to rush him off the stage. There were gaps in body coverage, the SHORT FEMALES had NO RIGHT to be on Trump's detail or anyone else's detail that's taller than 5 foot! They were SLOW, CLUELESS, CONFUSED and unable to properly handle their weapons! It was a joke seeing them on Trump's security detail! Horrible job all around! Horrible at securing the area, horrible at protecting Trump, allowed the "shooter" to take 5 shots before even reacting, no one is mentioning the "shooter's" van was 10 miles away from the rally, or the fact the so-called detonator was actually his cell phone, a TV remote and a stupid 9 volt battery that doesn't fit either device, or the FACT that ALL the left-wing media is helping the weaponized government cover-up their involvement in this, or the ODD woman sitting right behind Trump with the black hat on that seem to know it was going to happen and even cracked a little smile as she recorded it, and NO ONE IS QUESTIONING ABOUT THE PERSON ON THE WATER TOWER! I'm just a nobody sitting at home, watching ALL the videos of that day… And apparently I know more than any of you about what was going on the day it happened!

  12. Staged by BlackRock elite, actioned by their puppets, mission failed.

    For those saying secret service can't miss it, Tump survived 1 assessination attempt , Fedel Castro 638

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