gigantic insects ! #bug #insect #animals #shortswithzita #rock_n_insectes Rock_ n_insectes — July 21, 2024 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Is a snail an insect? Then why are snails included in this video?
Не знала что мокрицы могут вырасти до таких размеров..
I love the little roley poley thingys! (I forgot what they’re called😭)
They are so big
This sounds so wrong but the huge snail is actually rlly healthy for your face
Snail is invertebrate not insect
Wait are you saying rollypollies are cockroaches? . . .
geli bang 🤢🤢🤮😭😭😰😰😰
Oh hell nooooooooooooo
Me being terrified of grasshoppers now
Prosionki nie dorastają takie duże
The snail went from level one to level one thousand
my man having nightmares to Nighttt🪦⚰️
Como um tatu vira uma batata
👇 the first one 💀👇
Comment tu fais😮