Ostrich Gives the Performance of His Life | The Mating Game | BBC Earth

Ostrich Gives the Performance of His Life | The Mating Game | BBC Earth
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Pink shins, shiny feathers, can’t lose.

The end result might not be as smooth and slick, but this ostrich does have some moves…

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The story behind the most fascinating, hilarious and dramatic quests to find a mate and leave a lasting legacy. Some species need to overcome the challenges of a vast environment just to find a member of the opposite sex. Others find themselves pitched against their neighbours in mass mating aggregations. Some must impress with complex displays. Others build extraordinary structures just to prove their worth. One thing, however, connects them all – the drive to succeed at all costs. Exploring five different habitats across six continents, this series reveals the varied, fascinating and downright bizarre strategies different animals use to find a mate. It is the ultimate inside view on what it takes to succeed at the mating game.

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn’t get more exciting than this.

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About the Author: BBC Earth


  1. This really shows the importance of the preliminaries. I'm gonna practice this one for it might become handy during my vacations in New York city.

  2. We humans: yea, the ceiling needs a new coat of paint…. Ostriches: the sand is a little rough on the belly, but at least he can dance well. 😂😂😂😂

  3. He was running so fast to catch her, his legs didn't stop til 10 minutes after he did!😂 And THEN, during mating, she's EATING!! She's like, "are you done yet? I'm trying to eat here!" 😂😂😂😂

  4. I am like that female. I run to test their stamina. They think i run because i am not interested, but no! Just to test stamina, to avoid low stamina low testosterone males. I get that female 😅

  5. O my goodness he looked as if he was proposing on both knees and after she accepted he put on the tuxedo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 my goodness that was so cute.

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