Check out my football channel! Https://www.youtube.com/daddydimmutvfootball
For all you no money spent guys we are doing the no money spent series. The goal is to make a competitive team, with great cards, and make world series! Hope you enjoyed the video! Please leave a like if you enjoyed, it would be greatly appreciated! Don’t forget to subscribe!
Watch me play games LIVE over on my Twitch channel! https://twitch.tv/daddydimmutv
#mlb #mlbtheshow #mlbtheshow23
I will donate 50 dollars if you do a video with 89 Brendan Donovan and hit a home run with him. Deal?
I like how Dimmu flinches a little bit when he swings lol.
Hey Dimmu what’s your camera settings when hitting because I want to have the no doubt animation that you have where the camera just follows the baseball instead of the camera being stuck on the player with the animation?
full arousal
What happens if you exchange the cornerstone captins
Heading to Georgia on Monday for a week. Was going to go to a braves game with the fiance amd stepkids but it's a bit pricey.
Hope all is well. College football amd mlb the show are both eating good this week.
Here's to hoping I run into you. Not sure how close you are to Franklin.
Keep making this content brother!! We dont runaway from ranked on this channel!
McMahon with the Honest man's dinger to right 🙂
As somebody who plays the show 24 regularly but hasn’t played the show since 2012, can somebody please explain to me how I pull all these great cards but can only use certain players in certain modes? I like to play mini seasons cuz the games are quick and I get tons of rewards, but some cards I pull I can only use in online 1v1 and vice versa… I don’t get it?
This commentary gets me every time Dimmu!
I do terrible with that Bryce Harper card my avg is like 070 I dunno why
What happened to all the pack openings
Sorry so late. Yay it’s always fun seeing ur videos.
I’m in pain as a yanks fan from yesterday
this content is so so good; hopefully they build on this for MLB 25 and we don't have a MLB 24 repeat
I like how easy they made t.a this season, almost done already and I didn’t even play THAT much this weekend.. with that said, do I ever play mlb the show again with ncaa coming out today? Doubt it
Love the cards Dimmu, keep up the great work!
Cj Abrams been my fav ta 2 cards
I haven't cared about MLB much since the early days of 23. This whole sets thing ruined the game for me, I'm looking forward to the CFB25 content!
Dimmu why you say it like that to Griffey. It cracks me up. I rewind @ 11:50 to 11:52 so much I just love the way you say stuff
Never been big into college football but I hope everyone that plays it has fun. With mlbts being pretty shitty this year I've finally been able to start on this huge back log of games I've been wanting to play for like 2-3 years lol.
Currently playing through Doom Eternal and it's reminded me how much I loved these games way back. Played the hell outta Doom 64 when it came out and it was my first ever M rated game my parents let me get as a kid lol. Doom Eternal soundtrack is absolutely amazing too.
Idc what anyone says this all star drop has been a massive W I’m having a blast playing rn and trying all these new cards.
You should get the all Star vladdy. I am telling you he is an on base machine
All Star Yelich is good to
I feel for the guy I’ve had a lot more weird outfield like run past the ball not picking it up.
PS don’t abandon us in CFB like you did with Ramchise. I can only play so much My Heart Will Go On
TA S2C2 is awesome, easy to do, allows us to play the cards we want to play with for as long as we can.
As a Phillies fan I will certainly leave a like for Schwarber triples 👍
Bo, Deion, Dimmu… 2 sport STARS
The new draft cards are insane. Konnor for the pirates may be my new fav card
Lopez hurt my wallet yesterday. All I needed was 4 strikeouts, he got 2 I believe
How is Salvy only 34?! Dude looks like a 45 year old uncle.
Day 22 of asking dimmu to start Zach Pop in ranked
day 51 asking dimmu to start adam cimber in ranked
MLB The Show has been dry, but DaddyDimmu keeps me wet
Been waiting on you to drop a video.
Use Ryan Howard dimingus
Papa has come home … Just in time to leave us for another game 😂😂 (I'm gonna watch the other channel either way lol)
My favorite YouTuber wish I could match up against him
Lets goo video was fire
Day 11 for Dimmu to use Carter Kieboom at 3rd.
Josh Naylor has been absolutely a stud for my team. My favorite hitter right now. Salvy is fantastic like normal as well. Abrams and Elly are veddy nice too
So I finished nl.east al.east team affinity not plyn rank until I build a SUPER GOD SQUAD after I finished them all