DRAMATIC footage has captured the moment Donald Trump made a “life-saving move” at the last second – right before he was shot.
The former president was seen turning his head around slightly just before a bullet struck his ear – a lucky move that potentially saved him from fatal injuries.
Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/29204694/donald-trump-video-shots-fired-rally/
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so the shooter walked with a big gun and a ladder unnoticed by Secret Service to a roof only 150 meters from the stage . Impressive the incompetence of the Secret Service. Where do they train? in the kindergarten? Playing hide and seek?
Did you see the secret service guy that came up behind the stage?Ushered those people to get out of the way and was ducking down himself. When secret service went to protect the Former president That same agent remained duck down and out of the way and you could see that clearly when the usher formed president trump off the stage. That age was actually the closest agent to him.
It is all God’s protection! Truth
The shooter was NOT a democrat or in any allegiance to Biden
Notice the fumbling lady Secret Service agent behind the other agents covering President Trump? She was cowering in fear and hiding behind rather than giving any form of protection! Great incompetence!
Where exactly were victims in the crowd sitting or standing during incident? Wouldn't that be essential in figuring out the angle of the bullets and whether or not there was more than one participant, or if there are multiple levels to a planned cover-up? Needs to be an open source investigation by everyday people, because history proves the official narrative is too often falsified. Who gathered everyone cell phone footage? Are eye witnesses being video interviewed so everyone can take the pieces of the puzzle and put them together quickly, or is this information being hindered?
Trump is not president. He’s the ex-president or former president. But calling him president is wrong.
The secret service needs to reorganization their hiring. The short woman is laughable. She barely reached Trumps shoulders and then couldn’t holster her weapon. She tried twice to get the gun in the holster, then gave up and held it in front of her. She was like a keystone cop. Her attempting to get that holster and gun put away was dangerous.
3:10 bloke in the white t-shirt casually standing up feet away and not even flinching – He is talking/commentating calmly into a device…. Very suspicious ?? 🤔
Why why do you idiots shrink the video
Your headline calls him "the Pres"!
He is not the President!! 🤦🏼♂️ 🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️
Trump is NOT the bloody president
Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle "explained" that a sloped roof kept their agents from stopping the shooter before he fired at Trump. She's in the wrong job. She should be a comedy writer. That's like something from the script of an SNL sketch, and not a very well written one.
The Father's prayer was said while this was happening? I now know why the ppl were so calm.
The Bible warned of you and of these times. Our Lord shall prevail! In Jesus' name AMEN!
Don't drink the kool-aid people 😮
I heard that pamphlets were handed out telling you if you were outside the perimiter. 🤪🤪
Lol this is so stupid to watch you dopes think it's real
Incompetence or inside job??🤨🤷🏼♀️🤔
Miracle! Jesus protects President Trump!
Trump heard the pops felt his ear on the second pop knew he was hit ducked down on his own on the third pop! Where were security?
All of you people are just too easily fooled
It safdens me that so many people believe this trick. People will believe anything they see on television
we love you, President Trump, we are praying for you, may our Lord Jesus keep you safe in Jesus' name 🙏
Stunning how Sharma keeps referring to trump as "the President" wtf???
Robust protective element within the venue … how does a guy with a ladder & a rifle get through security undetected… except by onlookers who point the guy out? I’m just not grasping this at all.
How many months or years are these rallies scheduled?
This is the US for you. Guns and violence left and right. Still in reality the wild west. As a European, I am appalled.
Secrete service tried to make him a martyr
“Anointed” successor? Did he mean to say “appointed”?
My condolences to Corey and his beautiful family . RIP Corey
Our country isn’t SAFE anymore.
Stay safe everyone.
The director of the secret service i understand is a friend of jill biden do you think they want Trump to win the 2024 election the lack of competence was not an accident
Hello America hello, how low?
I thought it was his now vp who called him hitler?
Simply Put. . ." GOD INTERVENED! " (It went Exactly As A Prophecy that was Given by 2+ People, at 2-Different Functions, about 10- Days Before !!!)
The Sun are deleting pro-Trump comments. The Sun is against free speech.
at 5:26 is that bullet holes that struck his vehicle ?
Hes not President
Oh, how their hate speech of trump has turned on the undemocrats
Anyone who says he was hit by glass is an idiot. You can clearly see the teleprompter not move AT ALL on video.
Quit calling him president he is not the PRESIDENT. It shows your intelligence. Greetings from Europe.