Zhengzhou,China UNDERWATER! Rivers overflowed, Dam Breaks, City Flooded – Evacuation GONE WRONG?!

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Zhengzhou,China UNDERWATER! Rivers overflowed, Dam Breaks, City Flooded – Evacuation GONE WRONG?!
Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China July 23, 2024
Zhengzhou is located in the central part of Henan Province, China, on the Huanghuai Plain. It is the capital of Henan Province and an important transportation hub. Zhengzhou has a flat terrain, an altitude of 100-200 meters, and many rivers, which are vulnerable to floods.

in July 2024, Zhengzhou suffered from heavy rainstorms, which caused serious floods. As of noon on July 23, heavy rainstorms fell throughout the city of Zhengzhou, and some areas experienced heavy rainstorms, with a cumulative precipitation of more than 600 mm, of which the maximum precipitation occurred in Xiaodian Village, Nanshui Town, Gongyi City, reaching 860 mm.

The flood caused heavy casualties and property losses. Infrastructure, including houses, roads, bridges, electricity, communications, etc., was severely damaged. Agricultural production was also seriously affected, and a large number of farmlands were flooded, resulting in a complete crop failure, and direct economic losses reached more than 50 billion yuan.

The occurrence of this flood was not related to typhoons and storms. The main reason was that under the influence of strong warm and humid air currents, Zhengzhou and its surrounding areas experienced continuous heavy rainfall.

Zhengzhou is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. There are many dams in the territory, including the Jialu River Reservoir in the north of Zhengzhou City and the Mengjin Yellow River Water Conservancy Project in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. These dams played an important role during the flood, effectively controlling the flood level and avoiding greater losses.

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  1. hahahaha tuc toi hahahah. chu thoong dau co di theo con duong xhcn dau nen phat trien am am. lam ca dam hoc gia bac hoc sieu pham linh tinh ngo ngang hut han hoi han DDDD nen tuc toi tra thu cai su ngu dot cua minh. hahahahah loi ra ban chat tho phi cua cai dam linh tinh. hahhahaah

  2. I don’t know if their cars, homes and businesses have flood insurance, but they’re about to find out if the insurance companies have the money. I doubt it, since everything in China is graft and fraud to benefit the CCP.

  3. I keep seeing captions saying that dams have broken. Have any dams ACTUALLY FAILED or is the flooding from water being released as a preventive action?

  4. 트럼프 차기 대통령님 중국은 가만히 보고만있어도 지들이 아라서나락을 가네요 전쟁할필요도 없어요 지들이많든 인프라에 지들이죽어가고 있어요~ㅋㅋㅋ

  5. 中国人は政府の災害対策があまりにも杜撰であるにもかかわらず抗議もしないし政府を訴えもしない、というかできないかもしれないが、それでも我慢し続けるのだろうか。

  6. お気の毒に…と言いたい所だが、普通にバスやスクーターで移動しているのを見ると、同情する程でもないな、と思ってしまう

  7. 정저우는 수해만 나면 피해를 당하네. 좀 불쌍하다. 저기 사람들은 해마다 수해를 당하면서 도대체 어떻게 살지?

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