From an interesting scary video that might show a ghost at an old factory to creepy footage of a possible bigfoot sighting caught on trail camera, we look at interesting scary videos that are trending right now. #Scary #Interesting #SlappedHam
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7. Safe to say I’m a believer now.. 😱🤯… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8-S-UtgdVy/
6. Mi gordito precioso, porque no me esperaste un poquito mas, mami esta destrozada por tu partida,… https://www.tiktok.com/@yaricahua16/video/7209556669460679942
5. ¿vieron lo mismo que yo? 😨😨😨… https://www.tiktok.com/@amy_not_heree_/video/7387152026918030598
4. Large Upright Beast Visits Hunters Camp At Night (Video 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB8qDXzVzrQ
3. Real or fake?… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-wSo-l4m-/
2. CCTV security camera catches black shadow figure flying by… https://www.instagram.com/p/CQez3MBljHX/
1. Paul O’Grady claims his house is haunted by a smelly ghost… https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/paul-ogrady-ghost-paranomal-activity-b1916949.html
It Lurks Below
By Trailer Worx
A Bad Place to Be
By Bonn Fields
Dark Forebodings
By Ethan Sloan
Distorted Minds
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
11:33 someone is missing their black jacket
It was a garbage bag in a storm….the thunder set the alarms off and the wind blew a black garbage bag around
I taught at a high school that is VERY haunted. I was kinda skeptical at first until I started experiencing things. First I saw a shadow person then ghosts. I tried to rationalize them away, but in the end couldn't. The kicker was a friend of mine that is super-skeptical saw the same shadow person. For her to admit it was not something to take lightly. She was shook.
The “shadow passing by the camera with the trucks looks like a gust of wind pushing a Tarp maybe of a truck earlier or one behind them
lasr one happened to me too, both me and my dad would smell my mom'd perfume yeara after she passed in the house, and there had been no other women in it and her perfume had been thrown out years ago
March Madness goes back to 1939 😂 🙄
Omg Yvette….now there's a blast from the fake past…lol! 😂😂
So tired of ufo stuff there demons pol
My mom wore YSL Paris everyday. She passed way in 2018. I live in the her house she left me. I smell the fragrance often. I still have a brand new bottle and an opened one that I gave to my brother, and we will spray it on occasion when we think about her. But when I’ve smelled it, it was just me here at the house. I remember when I was a kid and she would get ready for work and I was getting ready for school. She would put the perfume on and walk down the hall and just left the most beautiful trail of her scent. It’s nice when it happens randomly every now and then.
It's a Bigfoot. If it was a bear they would have left in a ambulance or a body bag.
hey kallen, as always my boy, love your stuff. Thanks for respecting PBB 😉
Paul O'Grady claims his house is haunted?! It's a miracle he can claim anything given he passed away over a year before this video was posted.
How recently did he make this claim?
Paul o grady died
For me personally, perfumes and colognes are one of the main reasons I am glad I don't have a sense of smell anymore. Never liked them when I did 😂
Big black shadow possibilities > skinwalker, trick of the light, glitch in the matrix, aliens😮
Well, let's consider the fact that any flying object you can't identify is technically a u.f.o. until you can identify it😂
With the camper that had a camera watching overnight.
You explained that the eyes were visible, but, did you see the shadow?
Look in a straight line down from the eyes and a shadow can be seen.
Could it be showing the height of the creature? Bigfoot?? 😮
Or probably just a bear
It's probably a bigfoot
for what İ think is even if there is advanced life beyond us ufo or anything else they will still not be able to be faster than wally west flash dc
OMG The doggy part 🥺😭
Love this channel,I actually mentioned you several times on my tiktok. Not looking for anything,just sharing my love for your vids. Keep up the great work. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
11:00 looks like maybe a police helicopter flew in front of a spot light. It would set off the alarms also if it was flying low enough
The huge black mass flying in front of the camera immediately made me think of the Mothman.
Well it couldn't have been that recent Paul O'Grady talked about this "ghost" considering he's been dead for over a year
Paul O'Grady died in March last year. Bless him.
2:16 I'd fire him for making shitty content on school property, just saying.
11:28 just proves that Harry Potter is a documentary. That’s a freakin’ dementor!!!
I have a friend in Louisiana that likes to deer hunt and he's shown me pictures of Bigfoot on his trail cam. Docile creatures that DO exist!
Scott's story broke my heart💔Apparently when he leaves his bodies, so do our animals for a while we still stay on Earth😢💔But WHY?
Banff has grizzlies and they are enormous. They can stand 8 to 9 feet tall on their hind legs.
This is the wrong woman for president
Where is the rest of the “ big foot” clip? Can we see the full clip please 🙏 😅
☝️The fact that the eyes are a consistent animal reflection color without human red eye @ 7:27 makes it 'somewhat' believable but lol….& I say but….u never truly know ….🤷♂️ js 🤔
I have irrefutable proof of shadow people and the afterlife taken by my properties security cameras of human and animal sprits which can be clearly seen in their perspective videos. Fun fact…I also have a wolf 🐺😄
The shadow passing the cctv in the street, looks like a bat
That is not Bigfoot The Indians who were massacred called them the TARIAKSUQ they are the only ones that understood as well as coexisted with them in peace, they are not bad but considering all the ancients who manage to communicate with them have been nearly wiped out completely its safe to say many of them may be hostile now due to intrusion and colonization. When someone is murdered in the forest and think nobody is watching they are wrong the TARIAKSUQ can teleport when they sense extreme emotions and appear on the scene but they never interfere proving they have their own laws and code . But if one chooses to exact its own justice the murderer will be haunted by the TARIAKSUQ they are master shapeshifters and can appear to the killer throughout their life in the form of those they murdered and drive them insane thinking the spirits of the dead are following them but its really the TARIAKSUQ tormenting them , they usually admit to being haunted when on their death bed to atleast one person before passing. TARIAQSUQ are multidimensional beings they have access to both the spirit and physical world and populate the realm in between the two that mirrors our world.
10:34,,,the worst part about prison…were the Dementors!!!
😂😂😂😂 11min 20 clip freeway camera footage was OBVIOUSLY