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Дебилы неистребимы😢
Ta posledna bola velka sranda 😂😂😂
Democrats can't do anything right !
За Ленина ответили уже!
That was cool 😎
I think the thinning of the gene pool is awesome
Украинцы как обычно ломают статуи Ленина.А ведь одной страной были…
A couple obviously not fails.
The statue was deliberately destroyed,
the guy "falling" in the charity bin probably did it on purpose to open the bin from the inside and loot it.
The crumbling tower was being demolished.
Guy crashed his car on purpose so booby lady would come to the car window to see if he was ok 😉
За разрешение памятника Ленину диз
На демонтаж памятника В.И. Ленину смотреть было больно. Но правильно что ты это показал. Пусть видят люди во что их может бацыла фашизма и как их легко заразить одурачив.
жалко Ильича. молодь не поймет о чем я.
La última escena no es Sao Paulo Brasil, es Santiago de Chile
I like how people take their old tv that doesn't work and post a video of them dropping it, not buying it you morons
where the fuck is russia
last one is understandable 😂👌🏻
Момент с лениным ахуенен.
You need more subs! I can’t believe I just found your channel, hello from Texas!
Ленина жалко. Остальные – дебилы.
Last Fail was reasonable.
Вот всё было смешно, а про Ленина лишние
За Ленина вы еще ответите, нацисты.
The crazy thing is that it looks like a few of these were of Americans but just in different countries. Not all of us are graceful.
Где статую Ленина снимали, это не неудача, её специально сносили
I have never seen a camel running away from the owner before. That was funny. 😀
ahem, in Ukraine this is not a fail. So it was according to plan)) Demolition of Soviet symbols
The biggest failure in this video is the dismantling of the monument to Lenin. If this happens, it means that society has screwed up badly, allowed the exploiters to win and rolled back to a more regressive and archaic socio-economic formation.
that back flip was about to kill him
Just cleaning out the gene pool
브라질이 최고다!!
브라질 남바완!!
Дикий тупой народ…что поделать…они только с памятниками и могут бороться
за Полтаву дякую