Founder of hateful Libs of Tiktok account, Chaya Raichik, finally gets abandoned by her own right-wing supporters over cancel culture after Raichik’s doxxing of people on the internet for making Donald Trump jokes ends up getting a worker fired from Home Depot. Yasmin Kahn and Adrienne Lawrence break it down on The Damage Report.
Read more here:
Libs of TikTok Is Getting People Fired for Joking About Trump’s Assassination Attempt – https://gizmodo.com/libs-of-tiktok-is-getting-people-fired-for-joking-about-trumps-assassination-attempt-2000476373
“Chaya Raichik, a real estate agent from Brooklyn who spends much of her spare time operating the deranged LibsofTikTok account, has arguably made her name by railing against cancel culture. Now, in a move that could be read as either blatant hypocrisy or a ruthless act of revenge, Raichik and her Libs of TikTok cadre are attempting to cancel people who joked about Donald Trump’s recent assassination attempt.
As you might expect, Trump’s near miss on Saturday has inspired a lot of online discourse. Some of it is in good taste but a lot of it, predictably, is not. In short: Lots of people have been making jokes about the attempt on Trump’s life, which makes sense because social media mostly exists in the service of tasteless jokes. Raichik, however, has decided to take advantage of this particular moment to “own the libs” and squeal to their employers about their off-color remarks.
On her Substack, Raichik recently wrote: “Countless Unhinged Leftists have taken to social media to wish DEATH upon President Trump. They’re expressing how angry they are that the shooter missed his target.” Further down, she notes: “In fact, because of Libs of TikTok, TEN DERANGED LEFTISTS have already been FIRED from their jobs because we showed the world that they support murdering President Trump.””
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These people were fired due to comments that they posted on social media that had their job linked in the bio. This led to negative publicity of their employers and viral public backlash calling for their termination. They doxed themselves and are solely responsible for their current unemployment. While these individuals were exercising their first amendment right of free speech, their employers are using their right to terminate employment based upon violation of social media policies. They are reaping the repercussions of their actions.
No they didn't?
How is reposting what other people say, "hateful"? hahaha
Wrong. We still love her. 😅
She didnt dox anyone the libtarded leftist democrat communist party does that. An i just saw her on a talk show. This is a libtarded brainwashed indoctrinated Hamas loving leftist democrat communist party propaganda machine. Total lies. Theses people love having dudes walk around in the girls dressing room with there junk out in front of 12yr old girls.
Chaya will f—- around with the wrong one and she will find out the real hard way.
Yes they did
It's been too long since I've seen Adrian Lawrence.
Don't post it publicly, if you dont want it exposed!
Who is getting angry? The right loves this I know
That's an extremely beautiful brown girl….and ofc she doesn't date brown guys 😅
Liberals created cancel culture, they get no sympathy.
I agree with the underlying argument here, but it would be even more credible if it was a right-wing minimum-wage worker being fired for using hateful rhetoric against Biden or Harris. In fact, speaking as an anti-Trump leftist (albeit one who generally dislikes 'cancel' or 'consequence culture' where it concerns relatively minor acts and people of any political persuasion with next to no structural power) the people who come out the best in this particular case are the free speech absolutist cons who tweeted support for the woman who was (wrongly) fired for badmouthing Trump.
Home Depot is a right winger's piggy bank. Don't spend your money there.
I’m sorry but this woman’s vocal fry is so harsh I can’t listen to,her no matter how much I’d like to hear this whole video. Please take a speech communications course or s Ed a speech therapist. Vocal fry is bad for one’s vocal,chords anyway
Conservatives think cancelation is coalescing to terrorize and bully a target. And the rest of the world show them how it really works by getting them canceled.
She looks like the yellow M&M
It wasn't "mean online comments" it was wishing death upon a presidential candidate. Stop downplaying her comment for your own political agenda. Political Violence should be shunned at all cost, on both sides. Free Speech doesn't cover inciting violence.
And it's not "doxxing" if the only information that the "doxxer" puts up is information she already published publicly to the Internet. As of my knowledge it was only her name, not her adress, bank account or any of that matter.
I must of missed the boat here. Everyone was speaking so fast, machine gunning out names. I was lost in the 1st few seconds of this. Like talking to a bunch of speed freaks.
What is the name of this of this presnter?
She has to be Bruce Willis's daughter. 😂
"Learn to code"
"Men can't be women"
"Too bad he missed"
All phrases used to cancel people. One of these things is not like the other.
I want to start this by saying I do not agree with doxxing anyone. Doxxing is unacceptable. In saying that most big business’s make you sign a waiver on how you speak online. That if you cross a line they said to not cross then they can let you go. In a way you represent the company no matter what your job is in that company. Ie…making a racist comment…or saying someone needs unalived. They don’t want any blowback. It hurts their bottom line. I would almost guarantee the person signed one of those knowingly but chose to cross it. I’ve seen several employees get fired from their job over something they posted on social media. Before anybody brings it up preaching isn’t my only job. I have a 9 to 5 too.
I hope the lady who was fired gets a lawyer and sues for wrongfully termination and discrimination. She has a 1st amendment right to her opinion.
It is also rich coming from the right when they say and DO the most vile and reprehensible things like January 6th….
That lady's post didn't harm nor impact anyone however trump's hateful and hate filled rhetoric has gotten several people killed including a man at his rally and the covid deaths
Yasmin is smoking hot
Good! Good for her! We're coming to cancel all of you punk bitches. Yiu spent a decade trying to or actually being able to cancel people for far less without consequences. No we're not gonna continue to be the side of adults now that we have the power. What goes around comes back around. So not sorry your parents didn't raise you to treat others as you want to be treated. Even if they did yall treat everyone else like shit so that means yiu want us to treat you like shit
It’s funny how you changed your mind about cancel culture when it’s your side being canceled. However, if you insight violence a the insight to violence, causes the company you work for to get put in a bad view from the public then yes, you deserve to be FIRED and put on the DHB List!
Thousands of women were fired for knowing basic biology, eye for an eye.
Call to violence is not protected free speech. Ever heard of the yelling fire in a crowded theater? "Don't miss next time" is a call for violence "missed him by that much" get smart memes are not. Do you get the difference?