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About the Author: Ivy Bloom


  1. I need help my house has a evil spirit every thing I say is true

    Itn was 2:59 AM and my brother and me felt scared and he said "God's my shepherd all evil go away" and we heard something like my mom say Sht and my brother didn't say it now I am scared to sleep

  2. I agree with the second comemnt name called:@Firestarter163-e6p liek bro went from pretending to be an old eoman to get evidence thwt the food was delivered to s ghost investagator💀💀💀💀

  3. What is a moon charged energy for and for one how did you see two eyes so clearly for one not all people are able to see ghost you have to be something. I forgot what it was called. Oh no medium. But for one you have to be a medium to see ghost and no I am not. Medium so that’s just plain fake. If everyone the ghost quietly moved it was even too fast a medium themselves said that move very fast like it’s like light speed so I don’t even know why she even try faking it that badly.

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